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Everything posted by SmokiestGrunl

  1. Yes there are programs that do that http://tinyurl.com/cw98ae
  2. iTzArThUr ignore those two posts above me. iBotModz.net actually started off on free hosting. ibotmodz.3.forumer.com was where it all started. I would not suggests you use forumer anymore as it has ads every where now. http://www.forumotion.com/ looks nice although I have never used it. http://www.makeforum.org/home.php http://www.forumer.com/ http://www.freeforums.org/ http://tinyurl.com/dkunhe
  3. Yay, I'm not crazy, or maybe we are both crazy
  4. lmao 4 downloads, did you atleast put a password on the rar?
  5. Something magical and full of wonder B)
  6. Do any of you guys allow on your servers?
  7. Its cool, now I can open .rar files and have no please register thing.
  8. everyone I just found and awesome thing. I installed this program that open every form of compression format, then I uninstalled it annnnd now all the compression files open with explorer! here is a screenshot
  9. Must be American/Canadian humour because this aint funny to me.
  10. I started this posting post count achievments -.- I did it when I got 5000 posts.
  11. This isn't even funny...
  12. Its a good read
  13. 95% of teens would cry if they saw the Jonas Brothers at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. Copy and paste this EVERYWHERE if you are in the 5% that would shout 'Jump assholes
  14. Thats like saying "I didn't know know that if I shot someone I would go to prison", that person would still end up in prison. Topic locked.
  15. The game play is similar, CSS is still better, I would rank this as an alpha of Counter Strike 1.
  16. I can't even remember why I wanted to know this anymore, topic locked.
  17. Did google give you a reason for removing you?
  18. Yep I was using pidgin but I like the actual clients better.
  19. What is this F.N.G time?
  20. If my computer is turned on, I'll be on these. I have my computer turned on most of the time and I am using the computer nearly as much. MSN ibotmodz@live.com.au AIM iBotGrunl (I think thats it, I'm new to AIM) Google Talk SmokiestGrunl ICQ Do I give you my number or username? MyspaceIM iBotSmoke (or do I give you my email) Yahoo drnrss@yahoo.com.au Xfire SmokiestGrunl Skype SmokiestGrunl
  21. I'm going to start off by removing your sig. Then I'm going to asked why you put "Free, not free, Pwn" in your post? Then i'm going to say what are you trying to find out?
  22. http://mother.socialmediarelease.com.au/files/Mother_poster.jpg
  23. This topic has been marked as a ToS Violation. For that reason this topic has been locked. Our ToS, Rules, and PP can be located in the Board Rules, Here. Thanks, iBotModz Staff
  24. I do not have link sorry, topic locked.
  25. Hello vip3r, Welcome vip3r to iBotModz.net, my name is SmokiestGrunl. If you need any help just drop me a line and don't be afraid to post. Sincerely, SmokiestGrunl
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