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KP Romplestein

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Everything posted by KP Romplestein

  1. I am a super little kid and will totally bust a flaming nut of glory all over my piggy bank for you. I would definately like to have you do that, i will pay $10, that would be sick. oh and would that be like youtube, or i could actually has the video in halo 3 like with the inspir3d video???!?!?!??!!?
  2. thank you so much for the speedy reply, and for clearing that up, i want to have your babies.
  3. Hey, i guess i was mistaken about what i had said earlier (if it really isn't possible, i would definately take someone's word who has been screwing around with this stuff, over something i just heard in casual conversation that i could have miss-interpreted) but xenon and darkshallfall weren't trying to screw with me, i wasn't even talking in the party i was just sitting there listening to them. Quickkill0, if you reply to this that would be great, the skinning on that map looks somewhat like ghost town, but as you said that wouldn't be possible, if that is the case, then what is the skin on that map? if you don't want to reply don't worry about it. (P.S. i am total noobz0rz, flame me if i just made a fool of myself and have no idea what i'm talking about.)
  4. This is great! I must seem like a complete a$$hole for saying this, but: why the hell haven't i seen any more of this stuff?!?!?!, i mean i know those with dev-kits are constantly tweaking and testing, just recently i was in a party with darkshallfall and xenon and xenon said something along the lines of "hey let's take the "surroundings" from guardian and put it on blackout." like it was no big deal wtf?! I wan't to see pics of that sh1t!
  5. I luv u.
  6. Yes. I've tested: <controller0_gamertag/> which showed the first player controller's gamertag. <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> and <time_hms/> which showed up as a clock, the day, the month and the year (all of which change in relation to the current time dictated by your xbox). <bnet-pro-button/> and <bnet-pro-message/> which both did nothing just showed up as "<bnet-pro-button/>" and "<bnet-pro-message/>." I've also tested about 7 or 8 others which i can't seem to remember at the moment, but the odd thing was that they did not just show the text i had edited in the hex editor. They came up as nothing. It was blank, but that leads me to think that just as with editing the text colors it may need a sort of value and suffix(i.e. for changing text color it would be <color argb=#FF******>Value and </color> which would be the suffix. If I sound like a n00b or have no idea what it is that i am saying, then please feel free to flame me.
  7. Out of all the KVs posted in this thread including Matty0's there are only 3 different KVs there are many repeats. Meaning there are only 3 possibly unbanned KVs in this entire thread (they may all work i haven't tested them, but one is Blue Shadowz KV). I compared them all in a hex editor.
  8. ZOMGZ0RZ! Does this mean that we can now has campaign maps/difficulty in t3h custom games lobby??!?? Or do locales have nothing to do with that, seeing as how they are all teh text ASCII uber pwnzorsz lulz candy bar sandwich??????????? (can i make pictures of campaign maps or change the difficulty in custom games lobby?)
  9. I mean no offense to you, Dark, in saying this but i'm almost 100% positive that the offset/enums text guide was posted 3 days in advance of you releasing your app. The text guide was up at 11:20 am 10-18-2008 on *****. Your app was posted at 11:48 pm 10-21-2008 I know it's somewhat stupid to point out useless things such as this, but I just wanted to clear it up, and give credit where it is due.
  10. that's pretty cool, i can't get internet on mine
  11. haha, that guy looks nutz
  12. i love this website, anyone who disagrees can fight me.
  13. ya, isn't this just the EXO arm glitch?
  14. wow, this is bombtits, good job,
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