Hey guys, I open iTunes up, and it works fine... Can browse and listen to music etc. I plug my iPod in to sync and charge etc and iTunes gets an error and has to close. I've wiped iTunes from my PC, and re-installed it. Still didn't work. Any idea's? Cheers, Dan.
Hey there, Well... I'm sure by now you've noticed the slight colour change to my name, it's gone purple O_o. After a while of thinking what my options where, i've decided, sadly that I will have to let go my moderator spot on this great forum. The main reason being, as with Dakote is that I am sitting my exams this year, well, i've already sat a few already. As you guys can probably understand, these are quite important... Even more so than the internet! Obviously, I will be back on some of the time, and after i've finished my last exams at the end of June I will be back on here a lot more, assuming that the Halo Reach modding picks up, and the forum will hopefully be restored to it's previous, great glory. I remember when I first joined this forum, almost two years ago now... My God, that's gone quick. When I first wanted to start Halo 3 modding, when if you were lucky, you'd have to pay someone $50 for one resign lol. I went from an unknown member, very very slowly to a VIP, and then it seemed like over night I had made it to a moderator position on my favourite forum. There's a very very long list of people I have to thank on here... I'm not going to list them though, as people will probably get pissed off when I miss their name off But you guys know who you are. As said above, I will be back, and i'm not going for ever. I just need a break really so I can concentrate on making something of myself Again, thanks guys for being such good friends to me, through the hard time i've had, to the crazy and random chats we've all had in the chatbox All the best to everyone, and iBotModz Dan (xDansomee )
Hey guys, My MSN account has been 'temporarily disabled' so just a heads up as I have quite a few people from here on my list who I regulary talk to. Just asking that you remove me or block me for now, and add my temporary account DanSansomTemp@live.co.uk This post only concerns the people from here on my list, so again, just a heads up -Dan.
I'm perfectly fine lol, not planning on playing any wave 4 games unless they are real lol. 2 of my friends got banned, for playing 1.5 games lol, but I doubt they were patched properly, as they did them themselves.
It's weird, I have the worst internet speed in the world, yet IBM never fails to load for me. Some friends complain it takes ages, but it doesn't for me.
Oh, well silly did mine, and his internal one worked :/ -------- Also, can someone help me re-flash my drive to the new firmware? It's safer than using a wave 4 disk. Jungle flasher doesn't pick up my flashed drive...