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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Sounds like you got a RAT my friend. Reformat should work fine, but you'll have to wipe everything... Meaning you'll loose everything on your current PC. Saying that because someone I know has infected people with RAT's etc, and it infects every single file on the computer.
  2. Can I just plonk my old xbox internals in the case? If so, how much?
  3. Well, considering there are no prices, I'll take the lot... For nothing?
  4. Can you get me one please Athrun? It won't let me for some reason PC or PS3, or even XBOX when it comes out
  5. The mother ******* chocolate factory!
  6. Evian ain't expensive? It's like 50p a bottle here lol. -- EDIT: Just checked, it's 43p a bottle, ie. $0.65.
  7. Lol someone post them on Bungie.net The pics...
  8.  Dan

    stupid offers

    Umm, a stupid but good offer Xbox 360 premium, wireless controller, all leads and 20GB hdd for £50. I brought it of course
  9. Therefore, we generally don't have, or need space for such pointless pieces of technology. *Sent from my iPad* Jks.
  10. If I can trade in I will def do this. Xbox 360 Pro w/ 60gb hdd - Crazy discount.
  11. No mate, I posted this back in Sep 2009.
  12. Why you be trollin?
  13. So... Wiping the HDD and installing a brand new OS won't work?
  14. Cba to mess around, reformat tommorow instead
  15. A genuine serial number, but i'm not sure if it's a genuine copy of windows
  16. Download on there doesn't work mate. ****** up as I have a genuine serial number...
  17. Hi, How can I fix this? http://i47.tinypic.com/xmnbwi.jpg Thanks, Dan.
  18. Who won dis shizzle?
  19. 5th of May actually
  20.  Dan

    Justin Bieber

    He just spelt Bieber wrong on the search... Then just re-wrote the search out. Not really a 'google search trick' rofl.
  21. Yeah, i'd rather not have to download films and games in 5 million parts And with my crappy connection which cuts off every so often, direct downloads are a no
  22. Lols All downloaded over like a day or two http://i42.tinypic.com/5lowhy.jpg Only reason it took so long was because it would only download 5 at a time :/
  23. OWNED.
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