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Everything posted by Dan

  1. C'mon guise. Free +rep when you send me 6 totally random numbers!
  2. Only need 9 more people, you get +rep for just sending me some numbers!
  3. Not trying to make the UK look good, or the US look bad... But we have a postal service run by the government and it is probably the best in the world, but meh. This topic isn't about postal services. America should get the same healthcare us brits do lol, so it won't cost you like $5k if you break your hand lol. Sorry if the previous was totally wrong, thats just what i've heard etc.
  4. Thanks, I can't seem to +rep anyone though... I get a wierd error, something saying 'rating failed'.
  5. 11 more people pl0x.
  6. Thanks guys, just need 13 more people!
  7. Everyone who helps will now get +rep.
  8. Hey guys, I need 24 people to voulenteer for an experiment. All you need to do is send me a PM with 6 random numbers, between 1 and 49. For physiological reasons I require that you send me the 6 numbers via private message and DO NOT post them here. Before you send me the numbers, I will require you to tell me here. Just say: Numbers sent. It is vital that I have exactly 24 people, not one more... Not one less. I will write everyones name down who voulenteers. REMEMBER! THE NUMBERS MUST BE 100% RANDOM. THERE ALSO MUST BE NO REPEAT NUMBERS IN YOUR SEQUENCE. Voulenteers: 1. Lockon Stratos 2. yungbol 3. ixGAMEOVERxixx 4. Pargy 5. Random1225 6. 10mejia 7. iBotPeaches 8. lilryguy5 9. blacklabelfosho 10. mangriff32 11. Quinn 12. BTKC124 13. miinaturvat 14. Dataanti 15. iTzoODavidOo 16. T3A guy 17. SotG Caboose 18. crazyeightz 19. amcboi95 20. swampy666 21. xtrememan25 22. shadowrckt 23. BL4CKXHAWK 24. lostmodz26 Also, any other un-needed posts will be removed. Everyone who helps will now get +rep! Thanks guys!
  9. Desperate times call for desperate measures
  10. If your bellsouth email is de-activated, meaning it doesn't exist anymore. Then he can easily get your bellsouth email.
  11. Don't use the technique I suggested (Y).
  12. Dude, if your that desperate to get your youtube account back... Either re-buy the domain, or get the server opened again... You can then create the apropriate email.
  13. Have you tried re-creating the emails? Say, my hotmail account gets deleted. But there is still people emailing me on it, and I need to get the emails. So I just create a new email account, with the exact same name as I had before... Viola, you will auto receive your emails.
  14. Reactivate the emails, or make them again. ie, go to bellsouth and create that email address again. Then send the password reminder again.
  15. The driving part on the last level on easy. It's so fun lol. -------- Woo, 1300th post xD
  16.  Dan

    DVD iPod

    Another program called OJSoft or something like that, I think that can covert movies too. Shouldn't be too hard to find matee.
  17. It would be pretty cool, but as said earlier... Would you be able to make it possible for some vip's to be able to help moderate the rep?
  18.  Dan

    Avatar Friendly

    Again, this is like an epic win. /thread.
  19. Is this patched? If not, you guys know where it's going
  20.  Dan


    This is old, im sure more like 90 out of 100 can read it without any problems. On taht ntoe im gniog to bed. EDIT: @Lost, the first and last letters should be in the correct place Such as: Rghit not Rtgih (Right).
  21. In the current climate? Anything I can get, apart from being a care worker.
  22. Yeeeee. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/funny-pictures-pimp-alpakah.jpg Nnnnnnn, lul. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/funny-pictures-cat-disguised-rabbit.jpg
  23. I wouldn't mind doing it, im sure Dec, Yung and KD wouldn't mind either. We probs could do with some help from selected members, Quinn and Gameover being 2 of them
  24. She seems to be wearing a hat.
  25. Don't bump topics that are nearly 14 months old lol.
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