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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Nothing compared to my schools, 160meg download
  2.  Dan

    Sony Vegas Pro

    We don't support warez (N).
  3. Huh? Btw... Old pic, taken: 23rd Nov '08 xD.
  4. Dude... I'm God. Me for adminz.
  5. Hey guys, Lookey here for your Lockerz.com invites So, for your invite... Just post, or Pm me your email address and i'll hit you up with an invite so you can start getting free stuff, seriously, this is one of the best referal websites there is and it is 100% legit! -Dan.
  6. I'm about 100% sure I have Asperger's Syndrome... I've been diagnosed lol.
  7. What kinda shizz? Hit me up: xDansomee... I'm on every couple weeks lol.
  8. Interesting point. //
  9. It's a mutant xbox right?
  10. It took me a few reads but: http://www.myconfinedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/i-lold.jpg
  11. Nahh, both xboxs have Hdd's, just the one on the right doesn't have that 'grey grill' thing on it, as the xbox case isn't actually attached to the xbox lol.
  12. Haha, gotta love my nub set up http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd116/crazy2dan/S7301173.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd116/crazy2dan/S7301172.jpg Umm, 2 x Tv. 1 x Monitor (On wall, just cause it's in the way). 2 x Xbox 360 (Have another, but bro is playing it lol). 1 x PS3. 3 x Xbox 360 Controller. 1 x PS3 Controller. 17 x 360 games. 5 x PS3 games (Downstairs ). 1 x LG Viewty. 1 x iPod touch. 2 x Computer (You can only see one). 1 x GH Drum kit, with 4 sticks xD. 1 x GH Guitar. 1 x Wireless headset. 1 x ã1 coin ftw. Happy nao?
  13. Your numbers were wrong , There was only one number... I havn't been on my pc yet, so I can't add it to the list etc. Thanks anyway guys. ---- Thread closed.
  14. Wanna see who voted 'Gay'? Lols
  15. Most of the kills were edited out, all we saw was you killing them, then when they actually died it got edited out lol. If that makes sense...
  16. I am a dev.
  17. Thanks guys, for some reason still can't give anyone here +rep. Idk why. Only need one more person
  18.  Dan

    Console banned.

    Haha all fixed, swapped my xbox with someone at school He can't get live so it don't affect him, only thing with his xbox is that the disk drive doesn't always open... But, meh I just fixed that xD. Just pretty much got a brand new working xbox lol.
  19. Love4Dan.
  20. Crazy lol, I can count like 1 million kits there. http://s223.photobucket.com/albums/dd116/crazy2dan/?action=view&current=S7301144.flv Yee.
  21. Aww, should have left it one more day then it would have been a 2 month bump Lawked.
  22. What do you want it changed too? I'll do it for you.
  23. Is the reach beta for pre-orders only? As I decided this game wasn't really worth the pre-order so i'm waiting until christmas.
  24. A few days, or a week after I get all of the numbers.
  25. Thankss Need 7 moar. Do it now! Boosie, can't give you your +rep atm, getting the 'rating failed' error again.
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