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the mythic

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Everything posted by the mythic

  1. sounds like a good idea to me
  2. dang, thats awesome. i might use it as my background. man, you gotta do that to other levels. try ghost town or somethin. great job.
  3. the first time you go down to that spot, just wait for the pelican to come, jump on its wing then you can jump into the hanger. its alot easier.
  4. when will u be able to post a new one? and if you can use the pics the other guy posted
  5. or actually good make
  6. lol i started crackin up when i saw it. good find
  7. skill: 40 in team slayer, 36 in doubles rank: colonel
  8. better late than never. not sure y i felt like saying that.
  9. thats a broad statement
  10. tyler usually puts more time into the mods. he lays things out with a purpose. in the discription it said this was just a test. so i'm assuming he is going to post a new and more laid out ghost town mod.
  11. does anyone no if he is going to post an actual ghost town mod?
  12. bungie needs to learn that for me and alot of other ppl, i started playing cod4 instead of halo, but because of mods, all i play is halo.
  13. best mod ever
  14. is it possible to skin a forge variant? also i think we need more playable mods. like the weapons on map are set up where you can actually play. just add some new turrets and a couple clones in a remote area. the best modded map for an actual game is halo wars
  15. i still like the couch just chillin there
  16. lol put just the troop hog turret part and it would be like a couch
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