sweet, looks good. Now is it safe to assume that this has a NXE unbanned keyvault? Because if it doesn't it's kinda pointless... oh, and i have a question, what is the second download for? Do you have to have it, and what exactly is it?
I was replying to someone chill. How is that spamming? Wow, i've been here since may 08 and i've posted only 40 times, man i'm just a spammin machine! When i posted i was actually talking about the maps, when you replied to me, you spammed way worse than i did. By the way, didn't you post this: QUOTE (ILIKETURTLES♥ @ Oct 7 2008, 11:42 PM) Didnt he say he was going camping along time ago? maybe he got ate by a bear? OMG he did we need to make funeral arrangements ,this is going to be so hard ='( ^that is spam
So, for cheap people like me, i've got a 1gb flash drive laying around, and i was wondering if it is possible to use that to mod instead of a Xsata. So, is it possible? and if so, how?
i have a couple ideas now, but that's cool if you want to do it yourself. Thanks for not flaming me. i figured people would say stuff like shut-up you can't mod, blah, blah, blah. I'm glad that we have a nice community here that won't do that.
Before i get started, I know i'm going to get flamed to Hell over this, but I'm still going to throw this offer out there. There seems to be a lack of "playable" mods. When i say playable, i mean you can actually hold a match of team slayer or CTF on it. I'm not sure why this is, whether the people who mod maps don't have the time or the want to forge a solid map, then build off of it. (please, don't take offense to this, i've seen great playable mods, i would just like more.) Now here is where i could help. I love to forge. I know all the techniques and i've been on Bungie favs. I would be more than willing to help forge playable maps for people to mod. i know how to geomerge, interlock and all of that stuff. I'll post pics of a map or something if you want to see it. I know i'm going to get flamed, i'm just trying to help. If you're intrested, my GT: is alec944 Here are pics of a recent map i made Screenshot(s): (the map is symmetrical, so the pics are of one side) Red Side Red Bridge Red base/flag spawn Red SMG spawn Center Catwalk/partial overview
i was thinking... it would be tight if you could get someone to mod this back into screenshot form. then no one would no it was modded. they would just think its a great pic.