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Everything posted by proximit

  1. this would help me out thnx guys
  2. proximit


    how does one get invited to 360gamesaves i wanna do the acheivement hacking bad
  3. proximit


    well it dont come up with anything... i have the xbox save editor but dont have a login in order to use it, i have the remerge/split tool but the saves i need is all 1000 acheivements for halo3, all acheivements call of duty 4, all acheivements for "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG"( not the arcade version), all acheivements for GRAW(ghost recon), all acheivements for call of duty 3 if u can get ne of those that would be awesome
  4. proximit


    hi im new to the forum, but i am pc smart. i have xsata and now howto use it but is there a tutorial on howto download saves and apply them to your profile so u get the acheivements?
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