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ii rubiks ii

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Everything posted by ii rubiks ii

  1. lets see u flood it then
  2. first flooded mod made by II rubiks II. i took the picture on my other accont called mlg rubiks becouse file share ban. here is pic http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=83749921 ps dont add mlg rubiks it has no gold any more if u want add ii rubiks ii
  3. i edited the topic the download is there now
  4. here u go http://rapidshare.co...signer.rar.html here is a campain save u can use with the resigher. the save is kind of gay becouse u spawn out side the map. but here http://rapidshare.com/files/245683505/personal000000004A2592751.html o and u have to resigh to ur own id
  5. i made a new one that is way better i will post vid soon
  6. First Flooded Assembly made by me II Rubiks II Here vid- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niAmU2mNGCI...re=channel_page
  7. can someone take pics of it for me
  8. can someone take pics of it for me
  9. very nice
  10. nice job
  11. some day i hope
  12. ha if any one wants to see the FIRST flooded assembly i made message me on xbox GT is ii Rubiks ii
  13. In any one wants to see the flooded assembly I made. message me on xbox
  14. you have to change the light vighical to spector
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