i don't insult anyone and I don't wont insult other people. I just say the program was difficult for me,because i'm not english,american or anything else. end spam now. moderators can close this topic thanks
the video is here: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=exnKRrkzH88 is it true? EDIT: Quote from Lukems: "In the last week, two small videos slipped out into the ether. By now, you've presumably seen small versions of these videos and today we're making them available here on Bungie.net. The videos were created as acceptances for two awards we were unable to be on-hand to receive. The reasons why we couldn't be on-hand are certainly alluded to these flicks. Enjoy!" Huge bombshell of an anouncement. I do not know any more information than you do right now so don't send me messages. I assure you this is in fact real because it was straight for Ace's account on GameTrailers.com. I know it's hard to comprehend but this is the real deal. Source: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/us... Quote from Joystiq.com: "Bungie could have strutted all the way back to home base with the "2nd Annual Halo 3 award for Interactive Innovation" without saying a word, but the developer was graceful enough to record an extremely cool acceptance video taped somewhere within the Halo universe. And it looks like it's filled with some new Halo goodness. Are these some teasing tidbits about a possible Map Editor? Check out that last shot when our soldier pal lobs a plasma grenade towards the camera. Verrrrrrrry interesting. It's definitely a lot more robust-looking than Halo 3's Forge editor. Also, those look like new AI models of past cast members ... including Cortana. Playable models? In-game NPCs that'll be on your squad? Cats and dogs, living together? Who knows. What's for sure is that Bungie is saying "the ride isn't over yet."
plz help me i don't know how i can make a swap. I know only use Sandbox on sandbox1.0 Iwas click on tools>> edit slot index entry now on the 3.0 where is it? EDIT and how to make a troop hog using sandbox