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Everything posted by LEX255

  1. yes thanks bungie!!!
  2. A video documentary (aka. Vidoc) about the new upcoming Cold Storage map that will be available for free starting June 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbcIoyEdo4U [youtube:14cjqi8h]MbcIoyEdo4U[/youtube:14cjqi8h] you can download the vidoc here: http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/a..._320x180_ST.mov
  3. if you want i can test it.. just send me a message
  4. congrats Dark Slipstream!!
  5. when i have time i will download this great map good job!!
  6. any pics???
  7. this is not a resigner is simply video editing
  8. snowmon 1124+ soo 1126 right???
  9. where are dark legacy and skipper???
  10. 1*Cold storage is Smuggler and part of mythic pack 2*Purple Reign is not a remake but is a new map 3*Moonbase Alpha is not a remake but is a new map
  11. WTF this mod is awnsome!!!!!! when i have time i will download this!!!!
  12. the pics looks great!! when i have time i will check it!!!
  13. too bad..... is easy mod a video
  14. Posted by: sb528 if you look closely in the last paragraph of the update there are several hints that i put in bold that hint as to what the bungie day playlist will be(assuming there is one): 6/27 Weekly Update last paragraph */PACKET INTERRUPTION âââ‰â¬Å ERROR CODE 5929 */ âââ¬Ã¦Attempting Recoveryâââ¬Ã¦ âââ¬Ã¦Attempting Recoveryâââ¬Ã¦ */ 93% PACKET CORRUPTION âââ‰â¬Å RECOVERY UNSUCCESSFUL - DISPLAYING */ C!#4x---^&-$x%^^p3@ âââ¬Ã¢ Head2@!#SWa#++-DL*SLAj3r âââ¬Ã¢ 48hr0x0ABFFFFF [ERR 5929] */ END DISPLAY */ 5th line: The first part of this line hints to a possible release of Cold Storage on Bungie Day. 6th line: This line indicates the specifics of the playlist which according to this are: H2H SWAT with DLC 7th line: This line indicates how long the playlist will last which is 48 hrs according to this. Which Leads me to believe that his statement is true. Notice that you see the "BOLD" text format and in between you see "C!#4" and in several other places. C=C != L #=O 4=D unscrambled it spells "COLD" The next part is difficult to figure out "x---^&-$x%^^p3@" x=? ---=? ^=? &=G -=? $=S x=? %=? ^^=? p=R 3=E @=A Basicly what i've done is Find the letter that would most relate to that symbol in the "LEET" Language. If this is true we can expect to see the Next set of DLC for Halo 3 as early as July 7th from bungie .net
  15. i wanna see one in halo 3 lol
  16. Someone can modded a gametype with at the start beam rifle and sniper rifle? and another one with at the start the carabine weapon if someone can thanks!!!!! sry for the bad english
  17. can someone post a pic of Vortex???
  18. great find!!!! but i prefer the camo one.... [i don't remember the name ]
  19. i love the second mod how did you get recon''?? MOD OR Film Editing??
  20. LEX255

    First mod

    can you post a bungie link please???
  21. no you can't... but you can has a cookie
  22. great pic mangriff32 !!!!
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