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Everything posted by iBotPeaches

  1. Does Combat Training count towards your EXP for your next rank?
  2. Banned for not understanding the word in context.
  3. no clue about the downtime. sorry.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jmdalmighty


      There's a website called is it down or just me
    3. gruntmods
    4. Randomrocket


      Ive heard of it but was to lazy to go there lol
  4. Banned for banning someone because they were confused.
  5. I don't see how this download is dead. It was attached using our download system, and works fine right now http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=4152
  6. Banned for not watching the eclipse last night.
  7. I saw nothing. Now I'm tired and exams are today.
  8. Theres like/dislike add-ons for IPB. I'll test it locally and see how it works out.
  9. 1:17am. I'm staying up.
  10. Halo 2 modding still surpasses all modding. Its just becoming a pain because of program compatibility. Halo2 Sound Tools failed miserably for me on Win 7. I'll keep working with Ambiance and see if I can get it to work.
  11. There used to be a program called like H2 Sound Tools. I'm gonna find it, because not having much luck either with Ambiance.
  12. Banned for thinking he doesn't have any power.
  13. 01110100011010000110000101101110011010110111001100101110000011010000101000001101000010100101011101100101011011000110001101101111011011010110010100100000011101000110111100100000010010010100001001001101
  14. kk 32bit or 64bit? Load that list up then look for either xbadpcm.acm or xbadpcm.acm
  15. banned for having nothing on the left portion of your sig.
  16. Just tested it, and it took awhile to get the stupid codec installed. Then it worked.
  17. Banned for taking the time to go look at gruntmods registration date and/or knowing it by heart.
  18. Banned for spelling commenting wrong.
  19. Do you get the apple version of Quicktime here? : http://www.apple.com/quicktime/ Do you have any more details on the error? Does it say this? Error 46: Could not find or load activex control
  20. That Nexus S looks sweet, too bad its 600 bucks. http://www.google.com/nexus/# http://www.google.com/nexus/images/gallery/big-6.jpg
  21. Some pages seem to re-load all JS/CSS whenever the cbox looks for new posts.
  22. If any specific page is loading very slow. Link me. I need to figure out some things.
  23. I believe the messages went something like. "If you could fix some old code that would be great, then I'll put a link for iBotModz in the program" Don't have the time for that, and gruntmodder still has gruntmods, so it will never really be an iBotModz associated project.
  24. Mini News Update 1 http://i52.tinypic.com/117xyev.png 12 hours of data collection. Its become apparent that a great deal of our hits and/or bandwidth theft is coming from search engines. We also had some blackhat SEO bot, that just crawled 7,000 pages in 12 hours (MJ12 Bot) . That bot has been banned, and we should all apologize to fattwam for the actions of this bot. We were also "cloaking" our forums which I did not know was a blackhat SEO technique. Basically, in a nutshell. You provide the search engines with a different view than a regular guest would encounter. That was true for us. I removed lots of irrelevant information to allow the search engine to only get the content of the post. It was quicker that way and it prevented the bot from hitting our main page. That is called "cloaking" and prevents good placement on search engines. Hopefully, with this small change we can begin to climb the ladder of Google/Bing/Yahoo.
  25. Well he made another topic here: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/19617-rubbersjtag-shop-200-flat-12611-installed/ So I re-locked it, since it was full of flamming.
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