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Files posted by iBotPeaches

  1. H2 Epic AI Battle (Action Replay Version)

    Quote from TheTyckoMan
    2 ways to play this.

    Drop the .ZIP file into your Action Replay "Computer" section then move to AR memory card and copy to xbox.
    Extract the .ZIP into the UDATA folder, then drop that in your E Drive directly through an FTP connection.




  2. SID 5.1 (SoftMod Installer for xbox 1)

    Softmod Installer Deluxe is a program designed for the Xbox Console, to unlock the full capabilities of your Xbox. It’s similar to what a Modchip would do, except there’s no hardware required.
    This program will allow the Xbox to run programs and code which are unsigned by Microsoft, which means that made by normal people at home instead of the big game companies who will send their code and programs to Microsoft to be properly signed. With SID installed on your Xbox, you can easily run programs like Linux, Xbox Media Center, and a large variety of other Applications and Emulators. Auto-Installer Deluxe is recommended to be used with this, because it has been designed to work alongside this system.
    The History of Softmod Installer Deluxe
    The original SID 1.0 was written around January 2005, mainly for the fact that I was performing a Softmod on a friend’s console (which was a 1.6 Xbox and didn’t like to run Linux Applications for the obvious reasons). After that didn’t go to well, I decided to write my own, trying to avoid using any Linux Applications that would not be friendly with the newer consoles.
    Version 1.0 was put together, and from memory had lots of bugs. Version 2.0 was released very shortly after and was a stable release, using the Phoenix BIOS Loader (PBL) System as the exploit to hack the Xbox.
    In March 2005, Version 3.0 introduced the NKPatcher exploit, which is a lot newer, and a lot smarter. It had the capabilities of blocking the console from going on to Xbox Live, therefore saving the console from being banned due to having a hacked console. The PBL system was still included, mainly for the fact that PBL can be used to turn the console into a Debug (Development) Xbox, which is handy for home developers. This version also focused on dual-booting, which allow the user to have two ways to boot the Xbox, either with the Power on Button, or the Eject button on the DVD. Around December 2005, version 3.1 was completed, which is the most current version of this type of exploit.
    Around this time, the AID / SID team was approached by a developer named Nknave, who was interested in working with the SID team in developing a new exploit. This came around, and in February 2006, version 4.5 Nknave Edition was released. This is an NKPatcher only system, which worked two ways. It would block Xbox Live when running unsigned code and applications, however it had a dual boot which would allow a user to put in an original Xbox game and still be able to play on Xbox Live.

    Softmods your Xbox using the NKPatcher exploit.
    Allows you to backup your Eeprom.
    Allows you to backup your C Drive before and after modding.
    Single or Dual Boot installations.
    Allows user to play Original Xbox Games on Xbox Live.
    Installs EvolutionX or UnleashX as a dashboard.
    High Definition Patch available for the user to apply.
    Allows user to remove the softmod.

    NOTE: The install PDF is included in the download.
    That PDF should help a ton, if not here is the post regarding SID 3 (outdated)
    Tutorial for SID 3



  3. Yelo Debugger

    Quote from grimdoomer.



  4. Gears of War 2 Mod Tool

    This tool is in the updated Modio Tool (Which I must say is stolen research with false credit)

    It must have a built in KV.bin, since it auto resigns with no obvious included KV.
    Last time I checked, it worked though.
    Simply load a gamesave from campaign in Gears 2.
    Choose your settings
    Then save the file
    Re-Transfer back to your Xbox



  5. wxStop

    This tool gives you the ability to stop/spin and eject/load. You use this to load a movie (larger than 8.5gb) then stop it. Hotswap it for the game your wishing to copy. Then click "spin" and it will restart that disc.
    This tool was built into wxRipper (so the use of it gradually declined)



  6. wxTheme

    wxTheme is a tool used to extract the content of Xbox 360 theme files.
    You'll find the themes you downloaded from LIVE in this directory on your Xbox360 HD:
    You can also use this software to open PIRS files other than themes files, but with some bugs.



  7. XboxHDM 1.9

    This is basically just another little linux distro. Build for the special needs us xbox softmodders have. I found the need for such a distro since the windows-based tools to access fatx-drives suck!
    However, most people are not very familiar with linux - sad in my opinion but true. Therefore I include a tool in this distributions that automates most of the tasks when dealing with xbox HD management.
    This package will let you create a bootable CD that can access and manipulate/rescue, clone and even rebuild working xbox HD's from scratch. I see this useful for people who want to :

    Upgrade their xbox with a larger HD (either by cloning or building from scratch)
    Rescue or rebuild a corrupt xbox HD.
    Calculate the HD passwd for locked and unlocked HD's
    Locks and unlocks HDD's with the password automatically calculated from the eeprom.
    Can also set a Master Password (XBOXSCENE) when locking to allow an unlock later even without the eeprom or the user password.
    Install the official softmod package including the audio and font hack, Evox and PBL 1.4.1.
    You also have the option to make a patched copy of you MS dashboard to be run from Evox when using the font hack. Do not use this package is you do not have a kernel below 5530 and dashboard version 4920.This is meant to provide users without memcards or any of the exploitable games (MA,SC,007) with an easy to use softmod package.
    Have a stable package to access and delete, move, change files on the xbox HD.

    An included program will also let you rebuild the C-drive alone, which could be very usefull if this has become corrupted, if you are in a clock loop and dont know how to manually restore the C-drive or if you need to downgrade the dashboard.
    This is all done by letting you boot to a small live-linux with fatx support, like xlinux, but with so many more tools and options. Better hardware compatibility due to a updated kernel/syslinux and NTFS support are things to mention. Also from this CD you can boot to DOS and use HD lock/unlock tools.
    For people who don't understand. You dump your (C Drive, E Drive, and eeprom.bin) into the corresponding folders within the download of this. Then you click the .bat which includes the word ISO. That will slowly but surely create an ISO which you can boot before Windows. You then connect your xbox HD to your computer as a primary drive and unplug ALL others (To prevent yourself from clearing a normal drive) Then enjoy xboxhdm. If you encouter an error with "Drize Frozen" PM me what you did and I have a few tricks to bypass that error.



  8. LinksBoks

    Full internet browser built for the modded xbox.

    Easy and quick user control via pull-down menu in both text and graphics mode, in 25 languages.
    HTML 4.0 support (without CSS)
    HTTP 1.1 support
    Tables, frames in both graphics and text mode, builtin image display in graphics mode
    Builtin image display for GIF, JPEG, PNG, XBM, TIFF in graphics mode
    Anti-advertisement animation filter in animated GIFs?
    Javascript support with full user control over script run
    Background file downloads
    Automatic reconnection in case of TCP connection breakdown
    Keepalive connections
    Background (asynchronous) DNS lookup
    48-bit high-quality image gamma correction, resampling and * Floyd-Steinberg dithering in all color depths.
    Font resampling (antialiasing) for virtually unlimited pitch range, LCD optimization of fonts and images.
    Builtin fonts in the executable without reliance on any fonts installed in the system
    User-adjustable menu, HTML font size and image zoom factor.
    User-adjustable display gammas (red, green, blue), viewing-condition correction gamma and precise calibration of both monitor and Links on a calibration pattern



  9. H3 Gametype Editor

    Just a simple gametype editor. It will allow you to edit start-up weapons, respawn time, number of rounds, the gametype's name, description and author, and profile and device ID.

    This will now work with every type of gametype and every size of gametype (including 64KB ones )
    Now correctly saves the variant name unlike before, where it edited the wrong one.
    Only opens Gametype CONs.
    Now displays a highlighted image of the gametype you have loaded
    Fixed a bug that stopped a few of Unknown's gametypes working

    EasyB for the whitepaper needed to compete this app.
    Shade, who's keyvault I used. I hope I'm allowed to but if you don't want it there, just tell me to remove it
    Superaison for a few C# classes that saved a lot of time

    I just actually heard this code was taken from another project. However, this application is old and that source has been around for awhile. I'll leave it for a benchmark.
    NOTE: The KV.bin included is banned. Please get a new one, and place it in the same folder as the application.



  10. wxPirs

    This tool will allow you to open files of the following types: PIRS, LIVE or CON, which are "generic container files" on the Xbox360.
    These 3 formats are identical, the only difference are the first 4 characters of the file (PIRS/LIVE/CON), which is where their names come from, and what they are used for:

    PIRS: used to store themes or gamertags for example
    LIVE: used to store content downloaded from Xbox LIVE
    CON: these are a bit special, they are the only ones of this format that are create by the Xbox 360 itself. They are used to store saved games.



  11. Fileshare Spider

    This application no longer works. Bungie updated their website and I'm guessing that messed up the spider. Either way, its posted to show a benchmark of what we used to do. Back when "user-map" modding was our thing people used to look everywhere for the mods. This tool would search all the file shares through bungie. It just took a helluva of a lot of time.



  12. Container Edits v2

    What can this do? It Can
    Extract and Inject SandBox maps
    Extract and Inject ScreenShots



  13. ID Checker

    This program will allow you to open (I think) a CON file or a usermap and it will display the Profile ID and console ID of that file.
    Incredibly easy to use.



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