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Everything posted by BloodWolf

  1. can there be a screenshot of the week like sig of the week well screenshot of the week and who ever wins gets to have there screenshot below the youtube video thing in the board index >?<
  2. part of the sheild decovery
  3. bump chicka bump bump
  4. thank u very nice grizzly and if you can can u please rate it on bungie.net and idk how to move this to theater??
  5. thank u deadly
  6. everyone go here http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=22222535 - and rate and download please and tell me what you think about the picture and yes please rate it thank u
  7. thank you
  8. ok so i am wandering how do i mod halo 3 ? like how do i do everything everybody has been doing and how do i play it on my 360 ? please no rude comments thank u and sry if there was a tut on this
  9. ok thank u tho
  10. i know this is noobish but what do i have to do to use the tag ?
  11. i am requesting a mod i want guass turrents near the crashed ship in the the map so i can make a anti air base and i want the 8 obilisks to have guass turrents on them like darktrapv1 and i want the huge ship from darktrapv1 thats flying to be flying but i want it there in the air but flat not angled and i want it so i can get into the friget the big flying ship and i want there to be banshees and hornets placed in them please and i want the bridge exactly like the one on darktrapv1and if possible can there be a 2 phantoms ( or one ) thats not crashed thats floating randomly in the air and then 2 shades that i can move them in forge and some clones and if possible if we can shoot out clones oh and if possible infinite money in forge please can anyone make this for me thank u so much oh and can u add the landing lights like in Halodu03de's sandtrap mod if you have seen that picture please thank u
  12. LOLOLOLOLOL Thats my gt i had every mod on it but i made it so that only New mods here http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileS ... ix%20xMoDx Old mods here http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileS ... al%20xMoDx
  13. nice i tested this
  14. why would someone want to pay you when it got leaked today
  15. um im requesting a forge variety on last resort and i want palm trees to be EVERY WERE but make it look nice and in the bases and every were some bush's and make everything like tropical please and nice again not half ass thx OH and to spawn in the house well so the house im talking about is you know were al the clones r in the original last resort mod well that house over the cliff over the barrier well i want to spawn in there IF YOU CAN ok THX again oh and put some hornets on the beach please thx - BloodWolf
  16. BloodWolf

    h3 mods

    thx sooooo much
  17. BloodWolf

    h3 mods

    i was wandering if anyone could gimmi some mods in halo 3 iv heard of a forge varient? and a mod shade did well anyways im getting back into ibotmodz so i was wandering if u guys can help me get some of these mods also not to sound noobish can i just d/l them off a fileshare? thx
  18. yes please
  19. can i just send u it without the patch the patch is soo damn confusing
  20. Better Deskription please
  21. how do i patch it ?
  22. can i send u the map without a patch on it ?? i just want u to shoot all the weapons drive the vehicles walk around see the bubble sheild shoot the bubble sheild if you can can u take pics and when you are done just post a reveiw on this post please thank u
  23. Ok Guys i know i know i havent been here for a while but i just need you guys to try this mod out it has ( and this is all done by me and tuts no one else just tuts ) it has -modded weapons -modded vehicles -hex editing -Shader Swaping -HALO 3 BUBBLE SHEILD ( snowbound ones ) -Changed Sky -Snow on the ground -ect this is for Turf and i need testers and people to take pics so i can see the results please and pelase someone do you have any suggestions for how i can give people my mod were i can upload it ? thank you : D:D
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