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Everything posted by aDeadlyShaDoW

  1. I like it
  2. I keep on getting page load errors
  3. basically it is
  4. aDeadlyShaDoW

    New gamertag

    Sgt Earmuffs
  5. Can I have your babies, That is so amazing
  6. Your account must of been lost when the sites HDD failed
  7. 1ukxudfhrrgeko0c9o4zcmbv8v2qsccs26mb481qak http://www.Demonoid.com/register.php?with_invite=1 first person gets it
  8. 1081 thanks
  9. 1079 Can I get an arcade medal?
  10. Does anyone have any funny annoying websites like www.smouch.net/lol ?
  11. God of War: Chains of Olympus is pretty fun
  12. Ah, that was a good one
  13. Can I get the Arcade Highscore medal?
  14. ditto
  15. mmmmmmmmmmmm Sloppy Joes
  16. I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas
  17. [youtube:1qrlor5p]c4Wm4DXkcj0[/youtube:1qrlor5p] [youtube:1qrlor5p]UG7nfvafXA8[/youtube:1qrlor5p] Forgot two
  18. Have you jailbroken it yet?
  19. wrong
  20. The demo is really laggy, I hope they fix that before its release date
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