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Everything posted by File

  1. I'm a little confused. Looks like a normal stock just resized to fix the signature.
  2. File

    Dune Playground

  3. File


    Website: http://jeffrobbins.webs.com/ Description: Mostly everything is explained on the main page of the site. In the mid of July(not sure date yet), I'll be release my Xbox 360 Controller Modding Service and Modded Xbox 360 Controllers. If you have any questions. Contact me via MSN at jeff.robbins@live.com or post a reply to this thread here. Thank you, TLC
  4. Hello, At Bux.to you can earn $0.01 for each Ad clicked. But if you're familiar with the Ad surveys it's boring as hell! Well with the AutoClicker, a macro, which controls your Ad clicking for you with out controlling your mouse Download Link: http://www.autoclickers.org/?dl_id=11 Bux.to--I linked it to my referal http://bux.to/?r=Je3ff Tutorial- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbF3_QyPFWc
  5. Very nice! +rep!!!! Can I request a signature?
  6. File

    Dune Playground

    I've figured out how to add skins to vehicles and weapons now. I'll be posting a short video soon with a few skin updates.
  7. File

    Golden Warthog

    Step 9 helped me a lot, thank you for this!
  8. File

    Dune Playground

    ^.^ Thanks for the awesome comments! If there is time in my schedule today I'll add some skins to the weapons and hopefully fix the flying turret.
  9. File

    Dune Playground

    Map: Dune/Relic Name: Playground Creator: File@iBotModz.net Type: Fun Version: 1.0p Download1: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GC0FBS82 Download2: http://www.speedyshare.com/363255609.html 411- You spawn in the air onto of a pod. Where you can either continue jumping following the play ground or jump down and play with some mods. Finishing the play ground you can obtain a Plasma Rifle which is a jet pack and allows a person to float into the air. INFO--- SKIN- Some editing here was sorta excited to get this done. WEAPONS- All projectiles are changed except Human Sniper and Beam Rifle. Player- Can double(2x) run faster and jump higher(Spartan or Elite) DeathZone- The death zone was removed to play around outside the map. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5zMpADUGdI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWXj8-P2xyg Few Errors- The turret, spawned by plasma pistol, won't fly. --Someone may help me fix it or I can try and include it the next version. Sentinel Beem shoots plasma grenades really close to the player.
  10. Is that a program? Can I get a link to it?
  11. I've added to many ITMCs to the map and when the map goes to start it freezes at the blue screen. What I'm asking is how can I remove ITMCs that I've added to a map?
  12. File

    Yellow Brick Road

    By name/auother/date/ect...
  13. File

    Yellow Brick Road

    It's on Dune/Relic. There are a few versions. But I want the actual one by Xgamer, well any fun one will work ^.^
  14. Hello, I've searched for days... I can't find this mod >.< If anyone has the SPPF on their computer, share it please!!! Or if you now a link, that works, post it!!!! Thanks~
  15. Thanks for the awesome comments and glad it helped you irishDUB. @Korupt Data I'm glad to be back!
  16. File

    Halo 2 Live Broadcast

    I only broadcast at certain times. Keep an eye on the shout box, I post when I'm broadcasting.
  17. Tutorial was made by me(File@ibotmodz.net). This tutorial was made only for iBotModz members eyes only. I don't want the tutorial shared on any other site with out my permission. Thank you... Programs & Stuff Needed UMP v5 --Link Xplorer(Not XPort 360, the folders wont show up) --Link<-- v0.9 Pre-Made save(Made on Halo 2, I've chose a Slayer game type) Step 1: --Exporting the Save Open Xplorer 360. Load your HDD. Drop down Partition 3. Drop down Compatibility. Drop down Xbox 1. Drop down UDATA. Drop down the folder that begins with "4d" and ends with "64." Search the folders for a file named "slayer." ----Remember the name of the folder. Right click on the "slayer" and click "Extract..." Extract the file anywhere you'll remember. http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/7932/83172230.png Step 2: --Editing the Save Open Sav3r. Load the save. Input the info needed. Save the save. http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/5764/82079096.png Step 3: --Importing the save into your Xbox HDD Open Xplorer 360. Load your HDD. Drop down Partition 3. Drop down Compatibility. Drop down Xbox 1. Drop down UDATA. Drop down the folder that begins with "4d" and ends with "64." Open the folder your found your save in. Right click on the save and click "Delete." Right click and click "Insert File..." Find and select the save that you modified in Sav3r and Inject it. http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/2218/34169392.png
  18. Thank you ^.^
  19. Join and talk with me at justin.tv/vailor.
  20. ^.^ Thanks for the awesome comments guys! I'll keep the tutorials a-comin!
  21. Tutorial was made by me(File@ibotmodz.net). This tutorial was made only for iBotModz members eyes only. I don't want the tutorial shared on any other site with out my permission. Thank you... Things needed: UMP v5 --Link A Map, I'll be using Dune Step 1: --JPT Setup Open DotHalo Drop down the "JPT!" tag. Click "sentinel_beam_firing" tag. Change the Force Tag to 1 http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/8437/19594661.png Step 2: --Weapon Editing Open DotHalo Drop down the "weap" tag. Click "sentinel_aggressor_beam" tag. Change the Heat per round Tag to 0. Change the Age per round Tag to 0. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/1277/59780523.png
  22. Glad to hear you'll be using it
  23. Another awesome post by a VIP. Thanks SmokiestGrunl ^.^
  24. Thanks Athrun. I'll try to make a tutorial a daily.. Until I run out of ideas
  25. Tutorial was made by me(File@ibotmodz.net). This tutorial was made only for iBotModz members eyes only. I don't want the tutorial shared on any other site with out my permission. Thank you... Programs & Stuff Needed UMP v5 --Link A Map, I'll be using Dune. Step 1: --Creating the TAG Open Entity UE 1.6(Any will work, I'm just familiar with 1.6) Drop down the "ITMC" tag. Right click and duplicate any spawn/tag shown. (I chose one I already duplicated from the Battle Rifle, just renamed it to spawn.) http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1288/96568036.png Step 2: --Change the dependencies Open DotHalo Drop down the "ITMC" tag. Click the spawn/tag you've just duplicated in Entity. Click the "Dependencies" tab. Select the only spawn tab, change the tag class to "MACH" and the dependency/loneID to dune_gate. Then click save changes. http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/5286/13492945.png Step 3: --Spawning the Item Open ITMC Adder. Set 1 to the Reflexive To Copy. Set 1 to Amount To Add. In ITMC to Use set it to the item you duplicated. Leave the positions alone, you can select the item by spawn, and move it around in Entity. Then click "Add Chunk(s)" to add it to the map. Then click "Save Current." http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/8707/16240620.png
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