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Everything posted by superaison

  1. I have no idea why that is happening. It's not doing it in the real build.
  2. This is my Halo 3 Forge map Rehasher. It will rehash the selected location, and then fix the table. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15457-30.png It does work. Proof: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15457-31.jpg Notice my tree, and the blue thing. I love my tree. The pic on Bungie.net: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=35296189 Not much else to say, other than, as of right now. It is to be non-released.
  3. ^^Using as an example. Anyway, that program never rehashed, I don't think. But it now does not accept forge variants, Before, if you rehashed, you could load it up, resign, and play your m0dz0r, However not anymore. Rehashing and Resigning kinda works in unicen. If you resign, it'll show up, however, i do not thhink it will boot. If you rehash, it wont do s*** because its not signed, its like trying to boot homebrew Anyway, i don't think this post is necessary, however, a Con file must be Rehashed and Resigned.
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