Yeah i had the same problem... I tend to just stick in one isolated spot (sniper/torque bow spawn) and pick off the big guys (use the torque bow to get one shot kills on boomers/griders (headshot)) Also shields are essential to keep them at bay.
If i get my xbl back i could play all day lol and my favorite map to play on is Jericho (never played with 5 people only me and my brother) We beat wave 50 on insane
Headhunter HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS Headhunter You picked up a head You picked up %d heads #cause_player picked up a head #cause_player picked up %d heads You dropped off #delta_heads for #delta_points #cause_player lost #old_heads Carrying #new_heads headhunter_display_name it was a gametype in the beta, but they must have given up on it and just left it partially in the game.
That would be pretty difficult since all of those files are con files lol you would have to open them by there name not what type of file they were and i dunno how you would go about doing that.
360gamesaves doesnt give out invites anymore due to there members beeing banned from xbl or having there gamescore reset to 0. and ask slip im pretty sure he will give you a blueshadowz invite, even though there site has been taken down alot by 360gamesaves. Just wait till we get gamesaves here.
Ok i figured it out >.> Neither of these sites are owned by microsoft or steam.... so neither company copied <~ mygamercard (xbox) <~ steamcard (steam) As you can see the steam site has copied mygamercard and even called there card style "nxe" which we all know is the xbox 360 dashboard. So the steam card site stole from the mygamercard site which got its idea from Microsoft lol.
I guess it depends on the rehasher you use and yeah films corrupt very easily, try using the program vanity to mod your films it tends to work the best for me. Here i uploaded it for you :] Vanity.exe
Yeah like smokie said it depends i guess, maybe its what the screenshot is of but just be safe and dont do it m8, dont risk your account over a stupid screenshot.
Dont spam m8 And yeah none of us need devkits... we would never use them to the full potential Someone with true skill and knowledge could be using it to make the next great game.
Then tack on a 80 dollar awesome case and your golden ^___^ For real though is a really awesome site they have really good specials on prebuild pc's also.