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Korupt Data

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Everything posted by Korupt Data

  1. jmdalmighty you always do this.... you rush into a topic and immediately claim its "FAKE" without even knowing if it is or not. =/
  2. Place an item where you want the ship, open forge then copy its coordinates and change the ships coords to the items coords.
  3. Sexy kit, ive never heard of them although
  4. No its not possible.. you can only do glitches to achieve this.
  5. If you moved the actual ship down then it should stay there... and be visible to everyone (in theory)
  6. Korupt Data


    ObjectDock crashes alot for me =/
  7. ..what? there are no other spartans in campaign without a kit
  8. Korupt Data

    Text to binary

    I use Net Tools and you are phail lol j/k but seriously you took time to decode this, thank you lol. nice bump lol anyway http://home2.paulschou.net/tools/xlate/
  9. All modded items disappear after one round.. and some items (scenery) are host only.
  10. Just post some of your favorites.. ill get us started with some well know favs. This post is mainly to get FE started DSOrganize (a must have so many features and the web browser pwns all others... and the homebrew downloader i mean come on) http://www.ndshb.com/cgi-bin/cfiles/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,3,159 Moonshell (another must have for playing music and videos... looks so damn sexy lol) http://www.ndshb.com/cgi-bin/cfiles/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,3,13
  11. Steal >
  12. But robert already made one...
  13. Lmao peaches, tell them your devkit has the rrod.
  14. Look at some tuts, im not sure of anything... ive only used illy a few times to fix some vectors.
  15. Korupt Data


    I love rocketdock ive had it for a long time now :] doesn't slow my pc down a bit.
  16. I wish i had the tools to do that :[
  17. Yeah i thought it was fake also... =/ the gravity hammer is what made you go so high.
  18. Hmmm i wanna re-create the case, i already have a blue ROL =O
  19. Korupt Data

    iXtreme 1.6

    you can play online... just flash to 1.51 lol they have security so you wont get banned (bad rips wont play).
  20. Hmm, im not sure... would you happen to have the original map? (the non modded one) if so just move the item you swapped the bridge for, up higher. Ive never actually used forge or sandbox to move items positions... sorry :[ Also you can pm anytime man :] i like helping
  21. Alright flames looks pretty good, download the latest version of sandbox, older versions require you to open the sandbox.map (which is contained in the usermap con file) alternatively you could use the program forge 2.6.
  22. So where are they downloaded from?
  23. He knows he has to multiply by 8, he still couldnt do it.
  24. Dude i wouldnt care if it was just a shell that i stole xD
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