My dreams usually consist of me dying in some way or another O____o Such as me being killed by , or being eaten by a shark. .___. weird aye? i think so....
Im assuming he doesn't have the nxe since he said his console was offline.. but i could be wrong so please tell us if you have the nxe or not so we can help as best as we can.
Lmao the ps3 sucks, i love how the ps3 can steal the achievements from the 360 with out anyone bitching, but as soon as the 360 comes out with avatars there al like "oHhH NOes M$ stole the MIIz" But anyway i dont really like them at all but i still made one (Which btw looks nothing like me) And is it just me or do they all look gay .___. So they get a Fail from me.
I really like that video that it shows you after the update is finished, does anyone know where its saved on your hdd? cuz i wanna use it as my background on my pc.
Ive had it for a couple months, its the same as the leaked version but with the addition of avatars >.> so yeah i think its lame.... lol any woot im not banned bish's!!!!!!!