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Bloody Beserker

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Everything posted by Bloody Beserker

  1. Hey i really appreciate you doing this it just makes peoples lives so much better. I'll make sure to refer to you when someone wants these mods.Good things about you will be coming out of my mouth.
  2. yeah well your probably right but i was just saying stuff besides he did already get to go in those maps. But man is he lucky. I feel so stupid now. Well what do you expect i dont really know much about files and s*** but i understand how modding works, just wish someone could help me get a resigner i mean i have Engineer 1.something but i never understood why my computer would let me never upload my maps so...
  3. ok ok the biggest thing that every one would probablt **** there pants over to have would be being able to color one of the frigate ships and customize it while also being able to drive it some how getting out of the barrier of sandtrap. That would be kill and dude is that your xbox or a pic of one. In any other words thats wicked and im thinking of doing it with mine.
  4. wow you have ovisley (sorry bout spelling) searched farther then me i never knew those got leaked, like ive seen vids but would you have those maps? YOu think i could get them off you. Im just very interested in mods i mean i would mod but no one will teach me so far.
  5. Yeah dude i bet in one year mods, a sandtrap with 5 frigates will be boring as s*** and we will probably be demanding clones with customizable armor. I think modders should make there next big step in skinning maps and making the colors of warthogs different. That would be amazing.
  6. Scratch this hole thing. I am not the best person for mods, please report to the Post. Thank you and only contact me if you want to know me and not for my mods.
  7. Dude dont fuss if you dont have them already i have the all i will be glad to give them to you for no charge, i just want everyone to share mods and enjoy them. Not be selfish litlle ***** and keep it to themselves. Contact me, Gamertag: Bloody Beserker . I'll be waiting, and if anyone else wants these plus i have more cool mods i'll be willing to hand them out.
  8. wait a minute you've actually got to go underwater dude your so freaking lucky i believe you 100% now i mean wow dude s*** i guess im totally wrong, thank god i said it was just a thought.Man i really wish i could see those
  9. Ok guys this is all my opinion but i think the last resort is a fake but the isolation one is possible but i want you to take a close look at last resorts pic for a minute.Where the beach is that everyone is confused about, doesn't it look familiar to you.Well i did some exploring and it was scenario behind the factory on top of the rooftop of the factory building, its right back there, theres so many softwares that allow you to take halo 3 screen shots, photo shop them then put them back on your file share. and that was a pretty simple task so i just want to say i have 50/50 doubts its real i mean it looks amazing but how?You know.The waves are a little too perfect dont you think. Well thats my theory im not calling anyone a liar im just saying what i think.
  10. Well if you look on SligStorms pics you can see the Last Resort one is totally bogis(my opinion) but just look at the background on "zanzibar flooded" the water starts from south towards the map and then towasrd the bottom left there is a part of the ocean where the water is coming west to south so since when does water do that into oncoming waves? Besides i've seen people who have software like a photoshop that allows you to edit pics on halo 3 and then put them back on your file share, and there is quite a phew other pics including the fact he just cut/copied one part of the scenario into the back where the beach is to make it look like a new map. If this map was true tho i think that would be the bomb.
  11. Dude i have the rats nest one if your talking about the pelican one then i have that, i did not make them and i do congradulate the guys who did but my gamertag is Bloody Beserker. I can hook you up for no cost I want everyone to enjoy these maps and the pit umm if your talking about the one with the two hogs or the one with the 5 hogs i got both. Also i have 7 elephants,5 elephant tower, 7 elephant stairway,4 elephant sky base, 27 elephants, "Forward Unto Dawn" Frigate battle ship(2) on sandtrap, Last resort, Both valhalla's,Foundary Invisble box in the sky thing,standoff weapon mods,both snowbound ones (one with clones the other with shade turrets, and if you want there are 2 that i know of wich are epitaph and highgroung bots, i deleted them cuz they r boring but if you want them i can get them too. Just give me a frined request, you dont really need to add me i just want to spoil those people and i want everyone to have fun on halo 3. Remmeber my gamertag is Bloody Beserker.I'll be looking for evey mod that comes out and hand them out to any body who wnats them. Have Fun
  12. Not to ruin the fun but its looks as if these were fixed screenshots because i've seen a software where you can edit halo 3 screen shots and put them back on your file share besides the background on that last resort picture looks exactly like the hills in back the factory area, i mean im not sure but it looks pretty cool and reall but i have another pic and the water runs 2 different directions so, now the isolation is pure goodness and that looks real, also Sligstorm has all of these pics and says he made them on his file share so...
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