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Bloody Beserker

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Everything posted by Bloody Beserker

  1. yeah ill help new gamertag : IMMORTAL IC3
  2. Yes bigkiller you have big balls of steel, i shall soon make my move like a JEDI. I shall,,...START A REBELLION.WHOS WITH ME
  3. I would also like to be invited because i am not really believing,sorta, i bet you have them but just to make sure. i want to see. Gamertag: Bloody Beserker
  4. Awww man, well thanks for the info man.
  5. Hey ive posted this on halo 2 mods but, i dont know how to transfer mods to my 360 can, someone plese help me? IM dying to see them. And r these only for halo 2 pc or halo 2 xbox, i have halo 2 xbox, im very sad if they are only for pc.
  6. OK,my brother had halo 2 when it came out and i never new about mods, this was before h3, then he moved and i never saw halo 2since 2003. I discovered mods on Halo 3 and now i'vbe seen halo 2 mods. I really want to do them just is there a special thing i need to download them and put them on my 360. PLease help.
  7. oh ok, that makes me less nervous in a way, so should i not put them on my fileshare.?
  8. ok, i have been trying to mod my psp's firmware for quite a while. Now i have all the stuff sorta but im confused on how to use a pandora battery and how download the stuff. There is a place called dark alex wich is where i download most of my software.Just i dont know how to do it. Need help soon.
  9. Yeah i guess im finally choosing Sligstorms side, he seems more realistic on things because he even made his very own thingy Xboxtampers he has videos on everything, besides i talk to shadow over ***** and he always talks s*** bout Slig and ive never heard slig call shadow anything, besides slig has some way cooler mods.Shadow is just his competitor, and im done with ***** glad i never even joined just watched fights.
  10. idk but the guy up top said there was a map with it so im confused as well, if he is talking about the gates up front that got ripped off i have those.
  11. oh crap so should we delete our mods cause they will banned us if we do or what? i dont want to deleete them they are my life but i dont want to be banned, is it true?
  12. well dude i have engineer too and you should have the maps downloaded into to the software like i do but for some odd reason i cannot open them.if any one else could help us that be AWESOM
  13. ok guys i now have most of the mods that came out just looking for that highground one with barriers, ill keep you poseted if i get newer mods, hell im even trying to get my Engineer working so i can mod.If i do ill ask anyone for modding requests and i will make them there one mod.FOR FREE cuz im just nice like that.
  14. yeah but there is 2 frigates dude, the F.O.D is the one from the ark and the Aegis Fate is the one in the sky on sandtrap.
  15. dude you have modding software, i just joined this week but wow thats cool, i have engineer but i don't know how to use it. What do you have.
  16. Well im just saying if you guys can mod and are not lieing than any map would be kill if you could reskin all vehicles,maps,guns,grenades,pretty much all forge objects, iwould bow down to you like a god if you could.
  17. dude is your gamertag your name Justrec, you seem really cool
  18. yeah im going with what they said even tho i dont know what hashing is lol
  19. anyways what is hashing and rehashing im confused on that term.
  20. i totally agree if we all could mod we could possible have a modding clan going and we all could share mods alike. We could have stuff like Forgehub just mods instead of maps(and if you all dont know what forgehub is heres the link http://www.forgehub.com/index.php its a communtiy that shares fun maps wich is where i started but found this site and was amazed. So yeah send your resigners frineds.
  21. what programs do that ? I'm still trying to find where i saw that. I'll send you a message when i do.
  22. Haha trust me dude its real, i saw it with my own eyes Sorry man, i can say some pretty dum things and dam if you got on this map, it must be nice, dud ei never knew modding could go as far as re designing the hole map wow. I'm so amazed, i just wish i could be able to play on those but i kinda dont deserve to cuz i said it was bogis so.. But i totally believe now. Thanks for opening my eyes.
  23. I believe that it is one website I could research it becasue i remember seeing it but it never interested me.
  24. oh thats cool you could teach me, i just need to the software well i have engineer if that helps but i think it would be cool to make my own maps and stuff. It would help a lot:)
  25. ok i don't even think its nice to even be dissing on the two of them, god we all know they can actually mod when we all just sit here dieing for them to make something more ammusing for us. Just be glad these guys bust there buts tring make halo more fun. OK i do know it wasn't very honorable for Shadow to take the hole idea but when i saw that the first time i was amazed, but sorry shadow if you would have taken more time in it you probably would have been cooler today. Slig took the actual frigate from the sandtrap sky and put it in a nice spot where you can walk on it and even put vehicles in the cargo dock, you on the other hand took 2 Forward unto dawns(from the ark in campaign) and placed them very sloppy.But you guys would amazing if you two would just join up and created huge ideas to be f******** famous for.
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