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Everything posted by gabe_k

  1. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    [DEEhunter]Liar, you stole the model stuff from... SOMEONE... BUT I DON'T KNOW WHO...[/DEEhunter] You were wrong. It's my work. They're not indexing themes. Get over it.
  2. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    And you're facts are wrong. It was leaked in February. Unless you'd care to provide proof?
  3. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    Provide me with PROOF. Ask the people who you think I could've stolen from if I did. Also, that LIVE to CON converter was leaked in around February this year. You come to a site and attack someone who's done nothing wrong because you think they stole but you have evidence and you don't know who you think they stole from? That's pretty weak.
  4. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    Provide me with proof that it is stolen. You have not shown any, you've only shown yourself to be increasingly ignorant.
  5. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    The word of trusted people and the fact that I didn't have anyone to steal from. You have no proof against me. The only help that was ever given to me was a small that DJ Shepherd told me, but these themes are entirely MY work.
  6. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    And I posted the theme file too. Anyone with half a ******* brain can tell if that's based on another theme. Stop being so ******* ignorant.
  7. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    Lies. In other news, I have made a public sample theme: http://www.sendspace.com/file/hss4e2 And a picture proving they work: http://aquate.us/u/uvs0906.BMP
  8. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    Do you have ANY proof at all that I modify containers and am unable to create my own?
  9. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    I'm building these CON files MYSELF, get that through your fucking head. Stop being so ignorant and get out of my thread. This is my work and I can do what I want with it. I'm reminded of when you sold models to epsilon. This is my fucking thread and my fucking themes, this is all mine and I'll do whatever the fuck I want with it you silly little Halo kiddie
  10. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    I think so. I don't have any other way to receive payment.
  11. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    Thank you. I said they're guaranteed to work. Because they are.
  12. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    "Pics or it didnt happen" you say? Alright here you go: Your original post: http://aquate.us/u/ussr.jpg Which you edited 2 minutes prior to your most recent post to say: http://aquate.us/u/ussr1.jpg Pics. It did happen. Also, I am contributing to this site by offering an exclusive service which you and DEEhunter chose to insult, and which I chose to respond to.
  13. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    You were insulting me and claiming that DEEhunter "OWNED" me with an app that merely copy and pastes images. If you don't want to that flaming then go a head, but it's still not contributing anything to this thread.
  14. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    I saw. You were pulling the rules to attempt to support your flaming and derailing of the thread.
  15. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    You're observant. Now let's get back to the topic please.
  16. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    I can do the dashboard tile, I can do it all. I build these themes from scratch, not based off of public CON themes. Now please get out of my thread.
  17. I'm 99.9% sure it was rogue. I clearly remember him saying in an XBL party the day he left "I might just leak VIP" when he was talking about how he was way too cool for ibm. I also know for a fact that Rogue uses windows 7, and he has said he uses chrome. I guess that's it.
  18. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    Sure, I'll put up a vid later.
  19. gabe_k

    Custom Themes!

    For your request I'd have to say about $50.
  20. gabe_k

    CON View

    Which was when you were born O_o
  21. You're stupid. Stop acting like you have any ******* idea about modding just because DarkShallFall is helping you.
  22. gabe_k

    CON View

    Says the guy who made "CONfirm"? Honestly, stop being such a fucking hypocrite.
  23. gabe_k

    Modded GamerTag

    He doesn't.
  24. Because that's soooo hard to get
  25. gabe_k

    will this work

    You won't.
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