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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. Sorry bout that other account guys. I got my account back. Forgot password finally worked for me. I will be 17 in August.
  2. You do know half of the IPB 3 Support Team would agree with me right?
  3. That's not a bad idea.
  4. If you want a dial up connection then use this. It loads iBotModz in around 32 seconds. It slows down your internet so don't use it. HOWEVER on the plus side it does work.
  5. You can do that in any basic film editor. It's easier to do it in a hex editor however.
  6. I'm still working on the one I'm making. Peaches can you give me an unedited version of the defaults skins CSS?
  7. Yea I believe it resets as well.
  8. IPB 3 has the features of a social networking site which is good for a site like this. IPB 2 is for sites that like to just have a forum. IPB 3 has turned into a new forum version of MySpace and Facebook. I love that. So IPB 3 all the way.
  9. Lax he's probably using PhpBB.
  10. Don't you remember the links?
  11. Lmao that's funny.
  12. Looks pretty good.
  13. Might want to make sub-forums under it.
  14. I might have mine changed as well. I don't know yet however.
  15. Ok I came down to these three conclusions. Either you weren't connection host, you weren't playing on local, or the program you used didn't mod it correctly.
  16. I used to use limewire. I use torrents now. Lol.
  17. Did you play it on local?
  18. Now this is much better than the other one. Good job subs.
  19. Lol. I haz no clue what I was even saying.
  20. I'll take a look at making one.
  21. I get the same error. Peaches try editing our permissions.
  22. Your attempt at the new style is ok. Work on it a little more. I hope to see some improvement.
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