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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. No offense, but don't you think someone else would have thought of that first, and if it worked We would be modding everything?
  2. Quinn


    Don't have an eeprom backup... great. Google "DIY Xbox eeprom reader" and see if you can make it, its the only way you are going to get you eeprom from your xbox
  3. Well Honestly... Don't blame the creator, blame the user. Is it a proxy owners fault if a user uses it to do something illegal? These companies must not be very smart, I know if I was in charge, I would try and employ all the greatest modders
  4. Quinn


    Yeah, BIA is pretty good, but most WW2 games suck because everything is repeated
  5. Ohh **** you activision, what you don't want anyone to have fun? **** off and leave him alone
  6. Quinn


    Just like WW2 never got old There are hidden meanings everywhere my friend
  7. The ancient Gypsy Spirits will put a curse on you for talking about Gypsy slavery!
  8. I play the clarinet (stfu) and I have a guitar which I'm supposed to be getting lessons on how to play
  9. Quinn


    at 1 minute you can see other numbers, possibly implying that there will be more CoD MW games
  10. Good theory, except that it was for a clan site, that looked legit, and even the legit ones you have to log in with your WoW or Runescape account, so explain to me how in the hell he was supposed to know? Watch the video again and pay attention this time.
  11. If you've got time, I'll take one please!
  12. Quinn

    screen recorder

    I like that one, its light and records in quite good quality
  13. Did you make this?
  14. One of them is in bad shape, the other is alright. They are Irish Wolfhounds and they say you are lucky if they live 7 years (they are huge dogs, usually the smaller the dog, the longer the life expectancy)
  15. Quinn


    I hit the big 1000 posts!
  16. Any clue on a release date? Hehehe and I could use this too thanks to flashing
  17. It comes out the 28th, today is the 27th
  18. Sorry to hear of it Smokie My dogs are expected to go in the next year or so at age 7
  19. Quinn

    Shantys suck

    That fails so hard it hurts
  20. Quinn

    Shantys suck

  21. Quinn

    Saints Row 3

    Saints 2 was really fun, still playing it, we'll see about the third
  22. Quinn

    Rise Against!

    This is really, really good, you know why? There is no flaming (yet), this proves we can have our own opinions without having a flame fest in the process work guys
  23. I'm not arguing anymore, but he has my pity.
  24. So your saying that he doesn't deserve pity, so what? You doing boosting in Halo, CoD whatever is the same as him buying items, This doesn't justify saying that he deserved it.
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