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Dark Slipstream

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Everything posted by Dark Slipstream

  1. After -REP he
  2. beefaroni's. Then he
  3. cool.. film clip modding. Now I can do it MUA HA HA HA!!!
  4. epic.. i added john20004, ure probably sleepin so thats why u arent on atm. PS: My friend is providing me with cash, so i wont respond as much.
  5. Here's a few that I use.
  6. I couldnt stop laughing at this pic for about an hour.. i just love how stupid this guy is.. LOL Plus my desktop picture!!!
  7. lol.. WoW is for nerds.... u can play any game without being a nerd
  8. oO... anyone else...
  9. how did hake text scrroll?
  10. Instead of requesting that this be the format, why doesn't someone write a script for this Sub-Forum that checks EVERY user post for everything mentioned in that
  11. If so, pm me on runescape, 666fromhell1 im playing for the summer. I am getting my armour by spinning flax, and i need to spin until i do a COMPLETE (not TOTAL) Load of 12K. I sorta cheated.. i only have to get to 4-6K now. talk to me, or w/e after im done im fishing my quests, and getting torso. lvl 98. All 70+ Melee Stats F2P Quests - Completed P2P Quests - 28 Left!! See ya around!
  12. Peopleneed to stop askin to get paid to resign. It's pathetic that you can't earn money in real life.
  13. thx for posting this.. i was having a similar problem.. :S
  14. are you referring to video modding? where you change the armour?
  15. spam. Nice list, other than screenies it has more collected mods than the UTD post.
  16. on second thought, everyone here will miss me. So ill stay at ibotmodz, but still not mod.
  17. pull out UZI's
  18. i doubt u would steal credit, your not like that. . But im sure its our version, because i added house gates, and the bushes are in same spot. My compiled corner of gates is the same as the way i did it.
  19. really strong bikers
  20. hopped down the
  21. someones huge
  22. overly sized pe'nis
  23. while he is
  24. lol.. you just helped me make more money. I can create uploads (doesn't matter what) and i get paid like 25cents per 5 megabytes.. now i can get alot of money. Just upload like 250mb text file.. lol
  25. a great substitute
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