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Dark Slipstream

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Everything posted by Dark Slipstream

  1. Yea,i noticed this when i made my first map.. i was like WTF?! I couldn't stop laughing.. lol
  2. this is shade's keyvault. Since he posted it, someone sent it to Bungie and Screenshots are/have been taken down. Once an update comes out, all content signed with shade's resigner will NO LONGER work. THen you guys dont have a resigner... again.
  3. It's alright, I downloaded. Now I can have a 1v1 flag fight. I tried to help him make his map work last night, but many unsuccessfull tries. I guess it finally worked.
  4. dylan, that has to be the best and closest thing to deciphering. Good job dude.
  5. The is exactly why i posted it. Now they can no longer lie! Np for the post.
  6. Nce map dude. Although it's kinda small, coulda made it like a small maze to find you. lol
  7. Did anyone see it and like it? I know I did... it was sick, and they added an ending which includes all of the MARVEL heroes.
  8. technically that means getting infinite +rep, and EVERY iBotModz member has to +rep him AT LEAST twice.. lol. That is a lot of rep.
  9. Didn't nox have a post about modding? That's what got me started... PS: I posted a document about it, has anyone found it yet?
  10. I think he means where everyone mod's soo much they take down Halo 3. Which won't happen because it's nothing to just remove the modded content.
  11. Everyone ask's how to make a resigner, or can they have one, or how it works, etc. So since I found a post by The EazyB about RSA Encryption, I just thought I would post it.
  12. That USB - PC link system.. can that be used to pull stuff off and ON your xbox? I could buy this in place of XSATA
  13. you could make it with transparent casing, and blue LED's, like nox's. I like it that way.
  14. I cannot wait for the map either, I like the way it looks. It might beat my favourite map (Avalanche).
  15. I agree with sillybob... don't spam just to raise post count. you will be warned by someone eventually.. It may take a day or two. The site doesn't load for me. PS: This belongs in Off-Topic.
  16. p0mgz0r5... th1s f0n7 1s 4m4z1n6.... fr34k1n6 4u70m4t1c l33t
  17. 1132 - this is funny
  18. I didn't quite get it the first time.. lol, i thought it had something to do with what they were talking about.. but then i saw H2 and DLC, and 48 hr.. i put peices together.....
  19. Must... Have... No... Guardians...
  20. Nuklear, I think you should upload your list of maps. It's neat. I used to have it, not sure where I put it . Please upload it that way people can compare and see what they have. Although it doesn't have download links.
  21. Yea, I liked the quality. If it was a capture card, that has to be the best I've ever seena actually. Good job.
  22. BOOM HEADSHOT!... lol nice vid. It's sick. I wish i could play like that, lol. I still have not beaten that game yet. PS: I notice you use extra tags that way it appears during search. Heres my (word only) dictionary I put together, you can just copy n paste all the words.. lol Don't tell me it isn't a dictionary, i know it isn't defining anything.. At least now it'll appear when anyone searches one of 44, 697 words. ()
  23. Vote: - You Can - You Can't Just post one of those sentences. If this reaches CRITICAL MASS i'll send it to teh bungie for approval. lol.
  24. Thanks for the crawler Peaches, heard about this in grade 11 when me and friend made a website for fun (about a month ago near end of school).
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