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Dark Slipstream

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Everything posted by Dark Slipstream

  1. At least they are trying. They have teams of people that build these things. Unless I'm mistaken, mine looks similar, is basically the same speed, and uses IE's plugins. So, no need to create my own. It looks cool, but the ONLY difference I see other than mine, is the Favourites, I can even do that if they EXPORT it, I want to have the .exe store it, so it keeps it non-installable. Making an application where is massively exports everything you do to save faster, is too easy.
  2. I'll watch the video tommorrow, I have to goto bed now lol. I removed your link, advertising is not allowed.
  4. 3 week old topic.. locked.
  5. 1327 and counting
  6. silly, thanks for reminding me about that app. need to find an application license..
  7. it's a glitch, it just didn't add the person's name who actually just replied. meaning a moderator replied but their name wasn't there, so you inherit the blue name!
  8. you get 1 point per 1000 score. basically winterbells, or the shooting games are what you should use for the points now lol.
  9. The whole idea was to remove the 200 posts, and have people tryout. This is what he was doing. Unlocked.
  10. quoting yourself is the best!! lol
  11. oO. I think you should have VIP. You got my vote.
  12. Byee. Asta-lavista, sianara... lol
  13. I was bored, so I made it. I'm 100% positive it won't generate real numbers, but if you use it for days on end, you might end up with a real one lol.
  14. Neat. Great job on the app... Wonder if anyone will ever leak how to edit Gamertags? lol
  15. You were just "banned" before, once one of us lifted the ban, your arcade ban went away. lol
  16. I'm having surgery today, and therefore will not be one for the rest of today, possibly tomorrow and the day after that. If I logon whatsoever before Sunday, and I am not on AIM or MSN, ban my account for a week. I'll ask for it back if it comes to that. In the meantime, I have to download: Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate (Thanks fattwam) Vista Ultimate XP PRO Corporate Symantec Corporate Antivirus Install (after format): mIRC Mozilla Firefox Aim 6 Live Messenger - Discovery Live WinRAR TeamViewer 3 Visual Studios Applications Drivers Music, Pictures, Programs, Flash Games/Movies, Videos... Buy: Graphics Card Possibly 1GB more RAM. Sell: XBOX 360 - Games - Hard Drive - Console you get the point... lots of stuff for me to do, so don't expect me to be on pretty much at all for a few days. this will take me some to get it done -.-
  17. They have a real .MAP signer, you also need a .MAP Encrypter and a LIVE resigner. :/
  18. 21) zZDarkLegacyZz
  19. 16) The first game of the Halo series was released on November 15, 2001. 17) 18) 10 Halo 1 levels. 19)
  20. oO, nicely done. hopefully that error gets fixed, otherwise great job people!
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