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Dark Slipstream

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Everything posted by Dark Slipstream

  1. I don't copy and paste source, I only refer to my own. I don't use any ones programs, unless I make them (because all of you don't even put effort into making them look nice). If you are referring to KHAOS, then ignore the above, because he does just copy n' paste.
  2. No one has an editor, that was bull, he told me himself. Besides, he can't code that well in VB. He will need help, and I know the only person that does isn't going to right now. I'll try to make one, but it requires "searching", and I can only read/write if I know the location lol.
  3. "Not Knowing Anything" is the perfect way to f'ck with a computer. That's how I learned most of what I know. Only now I'm paying for more education to get more lol.
  4. PS: A personal request.. http://s261.photobucket.com/albums/ii71/pu...t=ReaperSig.jpg http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii71/pu...ng?t=1222918427 out of the pictures i add above, can you add my name, and change stuff from like GFX Team into Global Mod,
  5. looks great, but again, the text is a little too dark and small. the rest is great.
  6. one of my friends had someone take down their website, and I decided to take a picture showing ibotmodz still stands lol.
  7. I don't have much use for this, but my friend showed me the website, so I ripped the .swf using firefox. Here have fun.
  8. Sadly, secret. I feel sorry for them though PS: I was actually about to view Film Clip (Usermap) Extraction when it happened, and someone talked to me while they were doin it..
  9. picture speaks for itself.
  10. Alright, one of my committments can be... Created first playable modded map.
  11. Please also try disabling the startup program, do not restart. Visit: http://housecall65.trendmicro.com/ Run their free scan and removal of malware / torjans. It is a really good tool, I use this when my AntiVirus can't find a virus, it finds almost everything. You can also try the Kaserpsky one, but it isn't as good, but it is faster. Edit: PS: Use the java enabled scan, the others will end up making it even slower.
  12. nice update, its always good to be up to date!
  13. are you soaked, or..? --> you just seem wet lol
  14. i knew about this about 5 years ago, it was hilarious.
  15. Well. Call Microsoft (1-800-4-MY-XBOX) Get to 360 Accessories / Transfer Cable, Request One Get a second 360 Console Serial Number, give them that and yours (make sure the one that isn't yours hasn't been used) They will ask for a shipping address, give them yours. Thats it. Moved to H3 Support.
  16. Anyway, good job on the first 4 so far. I'll sticky this, so it'll be here and noticable.
  17. ((((((((((((((((( extra sad face...
  18. LOL @ DeToX's picture!! I LOL'ed TO NO TOMMORROW
  19. I'm still here, it's still fun to get on this site and help just about anyone who needs it. I am still continuing to learn Computer Engineering, IT Tech, Programming and Networking, and I'll continue releasing programs uner iBotModz. Lots of people like my programs, and eventually I'll release my new browser program for iBotModz. Only this time, a better media player, a working notepad, halo 3 embedded applications (i made them), among registry editing, and some other stuff to make it a good "Overall" program. Can't wait for IPB 3.0. ttyl Peaches
  20. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/Sea.../gokuphelps.gif http://fc18.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2007/068..._INTOLERANT.png http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t166/Sp...000/9000cat.jpg K. I DONE. KTY
  21. as usual, canadian and his bad ass foundry maps.. nicely done, keep up the good work
  22. He can already resign the profile CON. He needs a big enough rehasher to rehash the CON properly.
  23. sure.. ps: i majorly updated my media player. lol that 1 is about 40% of what i currently have.
  24. sad face, why do u have to leave
  25. When do the new maps come out? Maybe I won't be grounded from xbl then.. lol
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