Topic Closed. You are allowed to bump, but in moderation. If you think that a specific thread could be used by others / is needed, and has only been inactive for a maximum of 10 days, you can bump it, otherwise leave it there.
I'm feeling the opposite. We live in a large tourism area, right next to the states, the more economy drops, the more our city makes. Considering gas prices are continuing to fall, and my family only lost like 6-8,000, i'm feeling pretty good compared to some other ppl... My dad gets 2 pensions, one he puts money into, the 2nd his job matches. If he puts 200 in, his second one gets 200. If his bank pension falls, his second does not!
Lmao, this guy must be a new programmer. This can be easily done, Steven I'll make a vb one for you.. Just swap the names and load the image into a picturebox lmfao!!
That's fine with me, the only thing I think needs to be thought about is: Selling links to movies.. There is nothing wrong with that, it's the same as selling an xbox. Just because I am doing it, doesn't mean you have to critisize me. Smokiest you are single handedly the only person that can piss me off just by posting my name in a thread.
This is rather easy to understand, I'm just looking for a 'Canadian "3 Month" Xbox Live Code'. I offer 12.50$ CAN. - Price is negotiable (Max. of 15$) If you want to sell one to me, send me a pm with the code and your email. - If the code works I'll send you a pm saying it works, and that I sent 12.50 to your profile.
I want a new xbox, so I can mod more effeciently, this HDD is running out of room. I want somewhere near 300$ US (preferred price). I still plan to make programs, I want a new box is all. I'm not sure about Manufactured date, but I registered it September 09, 2006. - Can be downgraded / modified.
You won't have to enforce it, I just don't want users wasting their money paying for a serice that should be free. Smokie if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.