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Dark Slipstream

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Everything posted by Dark Slipstream

  1. It doesn't have to load the entire WinXP GUI, and you can even Optimize the PC for performance, rather than appearance. Right Click My Computer, Advanced (Tab), Click Settings (Button) in the Performance (Group). Now Optimize for best performance, and then enable these settings: Those will make Desktop/Icons/Folders look a bit better, without ruining the new performance.
  2. Does Dan have t3h proofz? no. lol
  3. (01:15 PM) gabe_k - ima haz mah bear kill teh mod squad (01:15 PM) Dark Slipstream - Mod Squad (01:15 PM) Joe Walls - SLIP!! (01:15 PM) Dark Slipstream - that's what u guys should be I win, not you Joe.
  4. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Dark%20Slipstream/avatar-body.png
  5. Dark Slipstream


    The ONLY time IE is ever useful is if you have Spybot Search & Destroy protecting it. Firefox is the way to go for speed, security and good skins.
  6. ass isn't filtered. June 25th here
  7. No homo here... Why does it have to be a bunch of naked women, don't women like to see naked guys? So why can't it be a bunch of naked guys running down the street?
  8. It's not meant to have a link. Remove the download from Dataanti's post.
  9. Actually, I fixed it. SupremeCarbon - I played NFS Carbon all the time, and many of my names back then had "Supreme" in them. KSI Carbon Core - Still played NFS Carbon alot, Core came from the movie "The Core", it was really cool. KSI is there because I was a high ranking person. Dark Slipstream - Had this one since mid June of 2008. I like the idea of Time Travel, and after watching the movie "Slipstream", I thought about some cool names to go with it.
  10. +1. I'm for Capital Punishment as well.
  11. Define horrible crime. PS: Joe, you do realize they can watch TV, workout, get 3 sq. meals a day, get to go outside, play pool... That isn't making them suffer -.-... That leaves the possibility of escape, bail, etc...
  12. VB.NET (Very Similar) Randomize() Label1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(Int(Rnd() * 256), Int(Rnd() * 256), Int(Rnd() * 256)) C# (Google told me about the Random class) Random Rnd = new Random(); Label1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb((int)Rnd.Next(256), (int)Rnd.Next(256), (int)Rnd.Next(256));
  13. Look at the Johnson source. No one has the individual source that "just" loads the tags lmao... You have to have the tags in files too, so :/
  14. you lost yur job... I'd help, but my paypal is locked -.-
  15. People like darker skins. I do, it'd be nice to have it. I don't see what the big deal is, it's like you guys forgot we have several selections. -.-
  16. Nicely done Boosie. Your welcome
  17. The {} aren't needed if you are only executing one line. Keep that in mind for future reference. I updated the "If" to "if". Thanks.
  18. Dumpster driving is still more fun. ;D
  19. lol, I dare you guys to mess with your BOOT menu and LOGON screen.
  20. Good thing you read replies T3A. -.-
  21. If you are using the offset for File Handling, it doesn't have to be in HEX format, it can be in DEC.
  22. For instance, in the United States, the acronym PEMDAS (for Parentheses, Exponentiation, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction) is used. Thus, we also have BEDMAS, BIDMAS, BIMDAS, BIODMAS, BODMAS, BOMDAS and BPODMAS. Brackets are Parentheses.
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