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Dark Slipstream

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Everything posted by Dark Slipstream

  1. Very wrong, they are very different. mtwomg explained the differences very clearly, I'll make a thread later, just for fun.
  2. I'll hang with you on AIM and XBL more often dude, wish you weren't leaving... (((:(
  3. Idk, I could write space invaders in like 2-3 hours in C# lol, it's far less code than VB.
  4. I don't know how some of this is done, but here is how you guys are all wrong: You can directly modify your gamerscore. You can modify gamerscore to be seen online. You can modify Game gamerscore to be seen online. Hope that was made clear enough lol.
  5. The only non-purple removed staff is Me and Smokie, well there are others, but they haven't logged in in ages anyway, and they love the site. I only upload to VIP lol, I can honestly say I don't think I've downloaded anything from anyone in quite a while...
  6. Sure, whatever that has to do with anything... lol
  7. Fatal is t3h...............I forgot what to sALL GLORY TO HYPNOTOAD
  9. It's easy hex editable, I don't know why people have a hard time finding this stuff... lol
  10. WinRAR, 7Zip, etc. lots of programs can extract .RAR's Move this to support pl0x..
  11. Sandbox has next to nothing moddable, because they made everything available. Move this to H3 Support, it's not a program lol.
  12. This is a support thread, not a program... lol
  13. If I come up with some more money, I'll do something for VIP. If anyone is interested, send me PMs with ideas for a contest. It'll be an MSP prize.
  14. My '360-Reality' does more than CONfirm, faster, and it's Drag-Drop support. No one uses it though
  15. Yea, but the executable is there for modding screenshots. That's really all I'm making them for, so people can use them to Mod or Learn from.
  16. Saw this yesterday. Not as cool as I thought it was going to be.
  17. Yea, stuff I haven't finished in 360-Reality, or new stuff will be all Open-Source. It's better if people can learn how my dll works, rather than just use an app all the time.
  18. Do you mind posting the original picture, without the Shwoop Da Woop... lol
  19. Add the Jesus one Peaches, it's hilarious lol...
  20. That first animated facepalm looks cool lol
  21. Rogue wins. lol, Microsoft sells kits for alot more than what DeToX sells them for.
  22. Check Sandtrap. I think it's bigger lol.
  23. H3 Screenshots (Open Source (C# and VB)) Written and coded by Dark Slipstream This is my own way of Extracting/Injecting H3 Screenshots by using my dll entirely. All of it is my own code, with the exception of the Size/Start Offset belonging to the original founder of extracting screenshots. (Injecting is basically the same, except you write instead of read) Download H3_Screenshots.rar
  24. I want one, make it black
  25. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?ac...sort_order=desc Look at the bot go, he's passing everyone! LOL
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