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Everything posted by xxsoftwarexx

  1. Update: http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/VBPub/Avatar360%20GamerCard%20v2.jpg Download: http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/VBPub/Avatar360 GamerCard v2.rar
  2. [url=http://profile.mygamercard.net/WitlessJoe][img=http://card.mygamercard.net/quote/WitlessJoe.png][/url]
  3. I made it i have prrof to. i resent you ever saying that.
  4. Avatar360: GamerCard: http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/VBPub/Avatar360%20GamerCard.jpg Download: http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/VBPub/Avatar360 GamerCard.rar Update: http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/VBPub/Avatar360%20GamerCard%20v2.jpg Download: http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/VBPub/Avatar360 GamerCard v2.rar
  5. Thanks and i saw your program before i post and its UI is nice also
  6. xxsoftwarexx

    Avatar 360

    http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/VBPub/Avatar%20360.jpg Download: http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/VBPub/Avatar360.rar
  7. XLGXMMX Modding AIO Version 8 www.xlgxmmx.net ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for Downloading the XLGXMMX Modding AIO. This program has may tools to fit the modern day modder. Here is a list of some of them: - Option to check for program updates - Learn about the Program in the about section - Change the background with different pictures - Listen to internet radio instead of the background music - Download Xbox and Xbox 360 Modding Supplies (Helps to keep program size down, but some of them do run. AKA Con Tools) - Run Halo 2 and Halo 3 Tools - Look up Halo 3 Hex Values - Download Halo 2 and 3 UnModded MultiPlayer Maps - Look through the Respected Site/AIO List - Request to be on the Respected List - New GUI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ReLease Notes: v1 - v3 - This is the intial design and adding of menu items and code - Version 1 to 3 is the debugging stages. v3 - v4 - Added menu options and finished all code for v4 v4 - v 5.2 - Version 5 had even more tools for halo 3. This was the majority of the upgrade. - Version 5 also had different Con Tools added(Sub Items) - Version 5.2 Had a update feature so future upgrades would be easier. A web frame was added. Update info will appear there and is linked to the XLGX - MMX Website. When updates are avaible a link will be displayed there - Version 5.2 helped make the change to v6 very easy v5.2 - v6 - Added Halo 2 and 3 UnModded MultiPlayer Maps for download(Direct Links) - Made the program sit in the system try when it is not visible on the desktop - Added internet radio stations and media player - Allowed user to chage the background with pictures built into the program - Due to the mass amount of Xbox and Xbox 360 Tools offered the Xbox and Xbox 360 Modding sections have been split into sub sections. Tools to Download which contains tools that you may download to use.(This is done to help keep program size down. The second sections is tools to run which contains tools that will run right on your pc with not download needed. - The tools that run are the tools that are used most often in Modding and have many general uses. All of the tools in the Halo 2 and Halo 3 Section still will run without any downloads - Made media player plug in not visible until internet radio station is selected - Added xbox and xbox 360 ISO Tools ** Please Note This Program will take a few Minutes to open. This depends on a lot of Factors like the type of computer. Sorry About this** v6 - v7 - Decided to make a Lite version and Heavy. The heavy version is TBA - Recoded the whole application - Added a proper update system - Made the AIO install - Updated tools - Added information on how to install the Updates (Read Below) - Added a menu to the system try icon that controls the App and Internet Radio - Please note if you recive a "File Not Found" Error (Mostly Windows Vista) Please re open the application as a Administrator. This is the reason for the check at the beginning of the Program - Added a Proper Update system. Still need to install manually - Added option in the file menu to Send to Tray v7 - v7 Heavy - Added all Xbox 360 Tools Into Program - Added all Xbox Tools and installers into Program - Fixed Some bugs v7 - v8 - Removed all the excess programs - Made a New GUI - Excluded the xbox orgional programs(For Size) - File Upload System - Con Resigner/Hasher - Halo 3 General Info Editor - Update is more automated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to thank the following people who have helped gained files for the Program: - XLGX(Owner of XLGXMMX) - Dark SIipstream (Programs and Sources) - I DontPlayL3GIT(Genral beta testing) - All of the Supporters of XLGXMMX.NET - The Creators of all the Programs Used in this AIO. Finally i would like to say that if this program was not downloaded from the folling link then do not trust the contents of the program. The following is the offical Link for the program: If on you are on Vista Please Right Click and Run as Admin The instalation will appear to freeze but it is downloading the files needed. http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/AIO/Update-Version8/aio81.jpg http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/AIO/Update-Version8/aio82.jpg Keys: HGKXB8 - ABKTB4 - WFTGRP Link to installer for VISTA: http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/AIO/Update-Version8/XLGXMMXAIOInstaller.rar Sorry for the delay Link to installer for XP: http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/AIO/Update-Version8/XLGXMMXAIOInstallerXP.rar
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