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Everything posted by rileyjstrickland

  1. Version 1.0


    Mods your Halo Reach Films. You still have to rehash, and this only works if you were the connection host of the game that the film is from. ***Not created by me ***Created by Xerax. virustotal: http://www.virustota...166c-1320606016
  2. ^It was also modding that made me pick up Microsoft .net, and HALO Custom Edition.
  3. I remember those days, although I haven't completely given up on the 360', it's pretty much- Get Jtag Make Lobby Invite Randoms ???? Literally Profit. I mainly went to PC again after 360' went mainstream, just so I could relive the fun of- This seems right...wait a second...ABANDON MOD!!!111!!! 'OR Hmm let's just see what hap...that was awesome. At least with minecraft I got to learn two new languages JAVA, and YMAL & Json Formatting (Server.)
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