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Everything posted by kevbrown713

  1. even if you do get banned, change ur xbox's ip address, they ban ur ip, not console
  2. i feel the same about pc's
  3. i learned that the hard way - - right after i hit submit i saw the pinned topic concerning modded maps - - seven day ban - - ouch
  4. u think it'd b possible to throw in another broken phantom like in sandtrap?
  5. i rest my case, there are very little web pages like that very first link u sent me about pc's that are 100% hate-mail. Pc's are jealous of macs. the air was built for speed, for the travelling businessman. it doesnt need all of the cd/dvd players, because it is meant for mobile travel. (apple made ipods for that kind of stuff) Another thing. Macs aren't taking over window's computers, they just have better applications with better interfaces than pc. Apple was NICE and made a FREE app to play GOOD music with. People choose to use iTunes, Safari, and Quicktime because they want to. it comes in a package, because they work seamlessly together. plus, you can't install mac os x on a pc because pc's cant handle the graphics nearly as good as a macbook's 13.3 inch Plasma screen. ^^ ehm...whats ur problem, im pretty good at computers. if it's speed, look for more RAM, its easy to replace (normally)
  6. Hey...this is a great idea. First i wanna see: -A phantom -An extra tower in sandtrap -And some missile pod turrets on sandtrap! Thanks
  7. 1) This is why macs kick pc's ass 2)They are better than all pc's that arent custom 3)PCs are on their downfall, Macs are on the rise 4) Yeah...i will admit that pcs have more applications, but macs have all the needed ones, modding isnt an everyday thing
  8. OK... 1. Thanks (sweeny) 2. Ill see what i can do about getting vista 3. MACS RULE...YOU'VE PROBABLY JUST NEVER USED ONE! 4. Thanks [gamercard:3uryi6mj]HaloGen713[/gamercard:3uryi6mj]
  9. I have a new macbook, and i want to try to mod on it. is this possible or should i install windows xp and do it that way - - No Promises ill have the time to ever make any mods though - Dont get your hopes up
  10. -or you can spawn every vehicle on the map, find connection host, and have him quit right as the round ends.
  11. i have all of these on my Fileshare http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15755-5.jpg
  12. Easy One For You, Make a mod where there is a phantom on any map, it sounds easy, hopefully the code is there... P.S. Is Modding on an xbox the same as hacking on a computer P.P.S. Can You Mod on a mac? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15413-32.jpg
  13. hi..i have MOST mods on my fileshare, Look Here
  14. hi...yeah, i have most of the newer mods on my bungie.net fileshare. you can either download them there or access my gamertag through halo, (gamertag=HaloGen713) Fileshare If you decide to download off there, please post a reply on one of my screenshots/maps thx
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