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Everything posted by HondaracerX360

  1. I will need to ask Commodore, he helped alot with the rehasher so he would know more than me.
  2. Wow ok those are not copied and they are all my keyvaults. I am done with all this modding crap because of douches like you not appreciating anything I do. I have never had a grudge against you unknown but commodore64, gamebeatter, and everyone else told what an a** you could be so I will not even acknowledge you or anything else you have to say to me from here on out. Now to Boosie♥, this currently does a little over a 1GB. p.s I handed out all my keyvaults because I'm done. I don't care about xbox anymore. I am finishing and releasing my current apps then I'm going to make more apps for the Wii, for the people that truly appreciate my work.
  3. I agree, I am going to try out some new components and see what I can make out of it.
  4. This is real. I am integrating this with my recent app called CON Tool. Here is CON Tool v1.0 CON Tool v1.0 video v1.1b is being released soon and it has MAJOR changes. Here is a screenshot. http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/5912/nonameofh.png
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