Ok see i understand why they are getting tired n shizzle about leaked maps. But that is their beta testers faults, maybe even theirs a little for choosing unworthy people to beta, but not ours, so we are basically being punished why? Good news about the mod for everymap thing, but i dont know the future of modding halo is in their hands, im very very new to this whole topic, ive heard that releasing the con resigner would pretty much kill the game, ruin matchmaking etc. May i ask how, if someone would be so kind as to explain it to me. Also please do not take this as i am moaning or w.e about the modders, because apart from not releasing the maps for us ( which have got to us anyway, well some of them ), they have done an amazing job. Just dont understand as to why they wont just release the maps, which cant do any harm to halo 3.
Exactly thankyou very much, you still trying to get snowbound mfone? I personally dont understand why everyone would want it over the pit or rats nest ( which apparently have a flyable pelican in them ) all it has is a sniper tower. But yeah maybe shade etc should read my post and give me their thoughts.
Right i must say, yeah i wuold get pissed off if someone leaked my map like shade did. Undertandably, but if you show people the map,youtube w.e, everyone is gonna want it, and most of the time someone will get it, i dont understand why they arnt being released anyway. It sounds stupid but everyone love shade and anthony anyway for making the map, but they dont release them, they get leaked, they would look so much better if they released them for us. And why not release them, what harm can they do,yeh ive heard about the whole, dont want halo3 to be like halo 2 thing. But what harm can the maps we have seen so far do? Lets take valhalla v3, the snowy one which wil apparenly never be released for us, what harm could releasing it do? All i can think of is how it would make people happy, maybe someone, like slgstorm or w.e the f*** his name is nobody cares anyway, might try to take credit, but everytime someone does that, they get pulled up on it, shouted at told off etc. every time, and anyone who's anyone should know that most maps will be made by shade of anthony. Just bugs me, its like they taunt us, post videos on youtube, and screenshots, of stuff we so badly want, then tell us we cant have it, and the only way we will get it, isn't great tbh, basically stealing their work. Just seems like they should either release the stuff, or just not tell us about it. I know i wil probably get a nice shouting at by someone for this, but i would like to hope that someone here agrees with me.