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Global Mods
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Everything posted by yungbol

  1. He never said anything about a .map mod. He made a forge mod and I think it looks pretty good compared to some of the other ones people release.
  2. yungbol

    CoD WaW Mod

    I use CONcept. Here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ryw0gtmhnwn
  3. It's the $SystemUpdate file. But that isn't the actual NXE, that is what installs it. The NXE is on your Xbox.
  4. yungbol

    CoD WaW Mod

    Lol, I just modded one Sgt. Sullivan's name to be iBotModzRULES. Look: http://i40.tinypic.com/a40xlw.jpg Kind of hard to see, took it with a phone.
  5. yungbol

    CoD WaW Mod

    It's really cool, I am doing a lot of research soon, tonight I'm just too tired, but you can do a lot it reminds me of Halo 2 .map mods. You can change the sun and the AI and all.
  6. yungbol

    CoD WaW Mod

    Just started researching cod modding, more will come. Speed mod. Run like 100x faster then usual. Resign with your ID's. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/176808414/savegame.rar.html Note: Let me know if it works I never released a Duty mod and don't even know if it works on other xbox's. Weapon mods soon to come. Oh yea, be sure to back up your old campaign save and it's located at Partition3>Content> your profile> 4156081C
  7. You are not aloud to link to sites that give you money for clicks here.
  8. Sub Admin should be purple !
  9. Lol, it most likely is FireFox because Firefox has 20000 million skins that look similar to that.
  10. Lol, this is so old and why would it be posted here. People that need it will look in Xbox 360.
  11. Yea, baby blue was a mis intake and meant "sky blue" the colors are in off-topic.
  12. That's a nice blue.
  13. Me as well Fatal, I prefer the purple better but for the baby blue I say the same.
  14. If we did baby blue, would you guys mean like a #99FFFF color or like a #33CCFF color. For the baby blue I prefer the #33CCFF
  15. If there were to be the Elite VIP class on IPB3, what color should it be?
  16. Yea me too, but not only number. And not an outrageous number like 2000. What color would you guys want it, I'll open a poll in off topic.
  17. I want Elite. A class higher above VIP but does not have any more access to anything. Just they are more respected and known and does not require a certain post to be there. Just appointed by a mod maybe for some helpful post and really helping the site.
  18. Maybe purple (my original suggestion just like this whole thread and you stole it fatal you thief) SIKE lol but purple for like Elite members above VIP that people will listen too.
  19. Well too bad the people don't get more power whether they like it or not you tell them It seems its the same thing as Global Mods and Sub Admins.
  20. Instead of it just being Global Mods, have them but also put people who have a little knowledge on the subject as a regular moderator just for that specific section. It will lessen the Global Mods work and help shape out better forums.
  21. Don't diss Dark for something like that. I highly doubt you can program so just stop. It's not a virus its an auto login error on the coding part of superaison.
  22. Wish I seen it
  23. Dude, that logic is so flawed. You can't go posting wherever you want because if everybody did it the forums would be a mess.
  24. All I did was do a search and this site seems pretty good for it. http://www.joomlatutorials.com/
  25. I can't prove it I was just asking so people's sig's aren't too good for us noobs.
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