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Everything posted by yungbol

  1. This really needs to be locked, because this is turning out to become a spam fest and someone did get banned. Please lock this though.
  2. username
  3. Well I got the offsets working, not I just need to read 4 bytes after.
  4. If you mean clan tags, I doubt it because if the string is longer then 4 Char. your profile becomes corrupt.
  5. Just modded my Clan tag to a curse word hehe. It's in your profile.
  6. Exactly what I said, and why post the file when he can just open it and find out himself.
  7. Umm.. you can start coding the app. I guess weapon values can maybe come in an updated version? I mean they are really hard to map out and Caboose also found difficulty I don't know if he posted it but it will list them like so: Easy....Normal....Hardened....Veteran In the hex it will be a 04 before the difficulty you are on rather than a 01. I am going to try and complete all the way to a final checkpoint on Recruit(Easy) and then switch to Veteran and see if I get the achievement. UPDATE: Nope, didn't load correctly.
  8. Do you even know how to program? I never knew you did.
  9. I thought of this idea a while back but never followed up. To create a song in the Music Studio and save it. Transfer the file to my computer and inject a song of my choice. But then I realized, "Wow what am I thinking the song is definitely some weird format".
  10. Supermodder is releasing one anyway. BTW: Eli, do you know any c#?
  11. Nice job. We need all the testing we can get because it hurts for me and SotG Caboose to xSata 40000 times a day lol.
  12. I am trying to make an app and Goldbl4d3 helped me out so far, but all I need is a few more pieces of code and I hope someone will help. I have a BinaryReader that reads strings. It takes far too long to read from a big file so I want it to stay within 2 offsets. (0x10000 and 0x20000) What type of code can I add to do that. So far I have this: private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Enabled = false; listView1.Items.Clear(); string search = comboBox1.Text; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(fileLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)); for (int i = 0; i < (int)br.BaseStream.Length; i++) { if ((br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position) >= search.Length) { br.BaseStream.Position = i; string found = ""; try { found = new string(br.ReadChars(search.Length)); } catch { } if (found == search) { //No statement } } } ... Also it writes Binary as well.
  13. That rehasher is not inf. lol, well it basically is as it rehashes up to 16gigs.
  14. You don't need to program all of that lol, alot of the stuff does nothing when you change it. Caboose you should put a star next to all the stuff you know that works.
  15. Whew ! A lot of work we need to map out weapons.
  16. yungbol

    CoD WaW Mod

    Well of course, what do you think I am .map modding? . It is just hexing, but soon hope to have an app made.
  17. yungbol

    CoD WaW Mod

  18. What I believed happened was he corrupted the sgt. sullivan info and it became the base model on which they made every character on. He also slaps to kill people
  19. By far the funniest thing... Research Update: - We are close to finding primary weapon values - Found how to get Inf. Ammo as well as grenades !!!!!!! - Damage taken. - Plus a few more things
  20. yungbol

    CoD WaW Mod

    It don't work anyway I believe. I think the campaign mods can only work with your own account I am not sure though. Just upload me your savegame.svg and I will make a mod for you.
  21. To get achievements all you have to do is a tiny bit of hexing.
  22. I have like every game ever too, it's called flashed firmware.
  23. yungbol


    He means campaign saves like your weapons and equipment you have. That sounds legit to do.
  24. yungbol

    CoD WaW Mod

    A few people said that, that resigner wasn't working for me like 2 seconds ago trying to do something else, I wonder if it's banned. Yup its banned now
  25. He stinks.
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