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Everything posted by yungbol

  1. I heard about this in school lol. Moved to off topic.
  2. yungbol

    SandBox 3.3

    Moved to programs.
  3. It seems as if you just have a freezing problem? That is your console, I think soon you may experience red rings. My cousins console would freeze a lot (back in like 07) and maybe 2 months later he got red rings. If you still have your warranty, send it back while you can.
  4. CoD 4 was posted in the game sections, and now tuts are floating on many different site, can this get moved back out now?
  5. This has been fixed, closed. Also, don't spam topics with "lol" again please. Thanks.
  6. I as well get that same error and I am on 64 bit Vista. Epsilon, did you take the build file and not the debug one? Also, you can use {smartassembly} to obfuscate your code and merge the .dll into the same file as the .exe.
  7. Goodbye, will miss you even though I don't get a "make your proud statement" lmao. Bye, enjoy life, you only live once!
  8. yungbol


  9. Lmao! That was hilarious. He does the stances and all.
  10. So your problem is that the site sucks in your opinion? What do you want us to delete it all and redo it? Sorry, this is not a real problem. Closed.
  11. I respect you, and would love to fulfill your wishes, it is just hard. It is like killing someone on life support. You were a great help to the site, and I will fulfill what you want, but before so, let me just ask why? You can choose not to come here, and maybe visit once in a while or whatever, but a ban is pointless. Please reply before I ban you Edit: I was told I can't ban ex-staff, so PM Peaches.
  12. This has never been made to work with the older type of screenshots, and I didn't want to remake because I was working on other projects. I made a mistake and released too many projects that work 'somewhat'. Also, don't bump a topic from over a month old like that please, thanks.
  13. yungbol

    New Staff

    He is talking about the colors of my pikman and my name lol.
  14. yungbol

    Bioshock 2

    Release is Q4 2009.
  15. He can use a USB flash drive.
  16. yungbol


    Looks really good. Nice, keep on contributing to the GFX section it may die soon .
  17. It's the tag under vehicles, isn't it? I believe so, but I havn't forged modded in over a year.
  18. UAC only needs to be disabled on 64bit OS. It should only be slow when you are browsing some folders like the Cache. When you go into Content, it should be fine. Anyway I highly recommend Xport360 v2.0. It rapes Xplorer360. Here is their site.
  19. Replug in your cable, put your computer into sleep mode then wake it up. If that don't work get Xport, it is way better anyway! And make sure you do what xpargas says lol.
  20. Lol, boil water and throw it in there. xD.
  21. yungbol

    SandBox 3.3

    Most people use Forge over Sandbox now anyway. But nice post anyway.
  22. Not anymore, don't disrespect my sub-admin's failed closings lol.
  23. Your sig only shows up once per page.
  24. Ok, look at these facts. It is not as bad as people think it is. Every year 35,000 people die in the US of influenza. So far the swine flu only killed 1 person in the US. It isn't that bad, our immunity needs to build up to it. It will rarely kill anyone that is between the ages of 2-65. The immunity of this age group is usually good enough to take it down.
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