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Everything posted by SNIPERX1652

  1. and me for gods sake i need 1 to
  2. that forge thing is sweet
  3. Ya so @#%$ off bungie ^NO! shutup go listen to your Ppod
  4. your a little late
  5. i hope u guys dont get banned but if so RELEASE A DAMN CON RESIGNER
  6. At least release it soon cause im hearing your getting a console ban from xbl.
  7. 1.Phantom is impossible unless its in the .con file (very unlikely) 2. The towers mite be possible kinda like the waterfall on Construct 3. The missile pod turret on Sandtrap is only possible on sum maps i think (like shades are only on snowbound and guardian) WoW your mister possitive
  8. can u make crouch walk speed 999% and no death barriers with a stair way of platforms that leads to the sky with a missilepod turret at the to so you can rape the ppl at the bottom lol and extra clones to get in the way up to the top
  9. i dunno
  11. is this one setup with teles and spawn points i hope so if not, thats gay he put that name for such a good map!
  12. Omg my little brother got crushed when a mod landed on him to much mods so FAST!! im running back and forth from my computer getting modz
  13. the last resort looks like a illusion
  14. i want the the flooded Last Resort
  15. i knew along time ago ive played on it its sooooooooooo fun!
  16. dont get squashed
  17. thats the bust TUT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. i feal like surfing lol
  19. ya snowbound
  20. theres gon 2 be a new rats nest mod very soon! is what i heard
  21. thats nice to no
  22. im so excited
  23. shotspartin is a modder but just not a very good one
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