i dont fet what u mean ??? like a AIO ?? add me on msn : joe.rigby@hotmail.co.uk and ill team viewer u all the sources ***EDIT*** oh sorry i get what u mean (This is a link lol) oh n no i didn't i didn't know about that site, if you look at my app in the Credits section all the people that have helped me are in the Credits Section and Sites
***INFO*** MODS IN AT THE MOMENT: -Rehash Resigner -MW2 Barracks Modder -Rainbow Six Vegas 2 -Red Dead Redemption -Just Cause 2 ***UPDATE INCLUDES*** Mods: -Rainbow Six Vegas 2 -Red Dead Redemption -Just Cause 2 Credits: lbjdaking23 ***Screen Shot*** http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8176/01jul081909.jpg ***Download*** http://rapidshare.com/files/405762685/AppHacks360_v2.rar.html
http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/18693-please-sticky-apphacks360-beta-v15/ download it... open the rehash resigner.... open your file... rehash resign
SO YOU SHOULD BE !!! (see how it has my name in the Form text... oh and its not a Rehash/Resigner.... its a Rehash Resigner ... ATM im working a doin them seperalty for unbanning things...
***INFO*** just a little program i made... if i get good feed back i will add more mods MODS: -Rehash Resigner -MW2 Barracks Modder ***Screen Shot*** http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/3683/01jul052004.jpg ***Download*** http://rapidshare.com/files/4049377/AppHack360_BETA_v1.5.rar.html
ummm.... hey peaches i had a look... and didn't get it lmao so i downloaded LeFluffie's source code just wondering how do i get my own program to use the dev stuff :S
ok ive got this Dim fs As System.IO.FileStream
Dim bw As System.IO.BinaryWriter
fs = New System.IO.FileStream(OFD1.FileName, IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
bw = New System.IO.BinaryWriter(fs)
fs.Position = &H"IDK WHAT TO PUT"
bw.write(IDK WHAT TO PUT) fs.Close
lol well compared to what i do XBOX360 programs are completely diffrent and more advanced then what i do... so it may use C++ which i dont have because the coding is different and harder to use so im just trying to get some info on how the DLL's work etc. oh and my programs arnt that good tbh (I Make Phishers, Key-loggers, silly virus's when im bored , MSN Mods and other things) the only desent thing i have made is a virus where i can control your computer which took me two months to program :S plus with xbox its all HEX stuff which i have NEVER done before. if u want to see some of my programs ill send u some ( oh yeah and no i haven't programmed outside of VB lol)
hey for the last 2 years i have been programming apps, hacks, virus's etc. ( well basicly whatever some1 asks me to make ) in visual basic but yesterday some1 said all the rehash and resigners are to complicated to use and asked if i could make 1... so my questions are : 1)what software do i need 2)can some1 help me with the coding ( credit will be given ) ( I AM NOT A NOOB CODER BE FOR ANYONE SAYS I AM... IF YOU WANT I CAN SHOW YOU SOME OF MY APPS ) *** CONTACT INFORMATION *** MSN: joe.rigby@hotmail.c.uk