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Everything posted by Unipsycho95

  1. you ready to do live man?
  2. hey dude. i was wondering if you have any reach codes. if you do i will gladly give $5 for one
  3. im buying halo reach beta code. visit the topic
  4. thanks. i figured id put it in general discussion so more people would see it. do you have a code?
  5. hey dude do you have a reach beta code? i will give you $5 for one
  6. Hey Everybody! If anybody has extra beta codes, i would gladly give $5 for one
  7. hey man. i was wondering if you have any reach beta codes. if you do, i will gladly give you $5 and halo custom edition for pc for one of them
  8. hey man. i was wondering if you have any halo reach beta codes? if you do, i will gladly give you $5 and halo custom edition for pc for one of them
  9. hey man. i understand you have 4 beta codes. if you still have them, i will gladly give you $5 and halo custom edition for pc for one of them :)
  10. for anybody who has an extra beta code out there, come to the chat box. ill give $5 and halo custom edition for pc for a halo reach beta code
  11. anybody have an extra code they can spare?
  12. the whole reason Microsoft found out about the codes being received and closed the link is because of these retarded noobs who posted all the directions all over the place including youtube. it got everywhere! the codes might still be given out if it werent for them
  13. last night this whole thing drove me crazy. it was taking forever to load and when i finally got to the hq link step, they shut down the server. had i started a couple minutes earlier i would've made it
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