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Everything posted by Alloyy

  1. ok thats cool that you get that pre order shit for free, but you didnt even answer my question so im going to look for someone else to give me a good solid, ONE-WORD answer
  2. Ok so i already pre-ordered Halo: Reach (Legendary Edition cuz im cool like that *JK*) but i was just wondering, if a Pre-Ordered BEFORE a new armor peice came out, do i still get the new armor they announced after i pre-ordered, or don't I? cuz i really want these armor peices, and they just seen to come out with more and more...please help, and Thank you. and heres some cool new medals they came out with that you have probably already seen...BUT i dont care, they are cool: (P.S. the lasts one is for fun)
  3. And Alloy, were you just flaming there to double your post count? God damn it...i just wanted help...now please, do you have any information on how to achieve this Monster Truck on Just Cause 2?
  4. Thank you, god damn it that was what you should have said in the first place...im sorry for being "immature" about this whole thing it just pissed me off that you didnt help. you just said you had it...for pc, when i asked for XBL (Xbox Live) so thank you, i dont hate you anymore, and that was all i wanted to hear from you.
  5. ill be on teamveiwer if you feel like apologizing. or like usual your just gonna take everyone else side but mine and say i have something wrong with me so feel free to connect to me, or just keep patronizing me for wrong doing.
  6. i love how i ask for help, i get an OPINION not HELP...and im the one being accused for it thank you Aaron ONCE AGAIN for making look like a dick. thank you im removing you, i cant take this shit anymore
  7. and once again i realize there are some typos...small keyboard, fast typer.
  8. "I'll spare you correcting that then. You seem to have a bent, twisted view of trolling, and seem to want to continue an argument that I just tried to end, so therefor you are just being pissy because 1) You don't like me, or 2) You like to argue. It could also be a combination of the two. Last time I checked, I had the right to post my opinion wherever I wanted to, except if it is deliberate flaming (Which it was not.) I wish you good luck, truly, all I was trying to say was that you may be disappointed." - Quinn dude really, stop trolling, your telling me i like to argue with someone who obviously has too much time on there hands to go onto the internet, find a forum and post something that has nothing to do with WHAT THE "HELP" FORUM IS FOR...i dont need some asshole posting shit that doesnt make sense on a freaking forum, i asked for help, and i did get help from one person, and then you came in and started talking about how you have it and i dont saying its not even that good, your taking advantage of what you have and rubbing it in my face. You dont have the right to post your OPINION in the HELP forum. the Help forum is for HELP the OPINION forum is for OPINIONS. go get your eyes checked ...and 1) yeah i dont like you, not for your where you live, etc..., but because of your stupid actions that you have shown in the past couple of posts. 2) im only arguing with you because your being a self centered, egotistical, smart ass bastard who needs to freaking GROW UP. and the only reason im "pissy" is because of some TROLL on the internet is giving me a hard time when all i wanted was a ******* MONSTER TRUCK ON A ******* VIDEO GAME. please make one more post, being mature about this subject, REGARDING TO THE ISSUE OF THE POST. thank you and have a nice F#$%@&! DAY.
  9. your still not helping anyway towrads this topic, i asked for help not and opinion about the monster truck, therefore you are trolling. if your not going to help me achieve the monster truck, i dont care what you think about it, if you can help me get the monster truck, then do so, if not then GTFO...please and yes i know there are some typos...i have a small keyboard.
  10. Quinn, i was just stating that you said it wasnt good, and you said Mood Swing.....makes absolutley no sense. if you cant help on the "HELP" forum, GO TROLL SOMEWHERE ELSE.
  11. but i thought you said its not that good??? =(
  12. well, i just want the Monster Truck because i want to run over people like crazy. but i also like the big ass mini gun and grenade launcher on the top of it so i can cause sum CHAOS. but yeah thats why i want the Monster Truck, you might not think its that cool, but i think its bad ass. and for IBotPeaches, thank you for trying to helping me out dude.
  13. ok so i was trying to download the Monster Truck from XBL and i noticed that it says sorry, this dlc is not for this region, or it has expired. but i was wondering if anyone could... http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/9153/40445528.png 1: put the DLC on POMA, cuz you had to pre order Just Cause 2 in order to obtain the monster truck, 2: can someone help me get this stupid thing so i can quit searching google for answers...-.- please help, thank you
  14. i dont know why there are so many Cod fans in here that talk shit on this website... i mean if youve ever taken the time to look at the title bar of the webpage it will say ibot modz, but behind it theres a picture of Halo Reach...so quit talking shit and go to Se7en sins or something. your obviosly not worth while here. that means you,Quinn and Slidell
  15. ok that last post was the best comeback ive ever seen in my life...that was wonderful i wont talk shit anymore just because of that. =D
  16. you seriously made a post for an opinion about if you should get a video game or not...please, get out of your basement, walk into the sunlight and get sum Vitamin D into your skin so it can produce some Melanin in your skin to produce the skin color pigment.
  17. wow, you either have down syndrom, or your just a ******* asshole who hasnt played any of the halo games...
  18. Today at the Microsoft Press Conference we saw the first demo of the Halo: Reach campaign. It showed four Spartans (perfect for 4 player co-op we presume) being assaulted by numerous drop-ships on the surface of the planet. We got a look at combat against Elites, who have returned after their hiatus. During the battle, the main character's shields regenerated but his health did not. There are definitely armor abilities in single-player as the main character used "sprint" during the fight while his co-op partner used armor lock. The group of Spartans charged across a battlefield while enemy drop pods fell and stormed an overrun human base. An animated assassination was shown in the hall, as the Spartans loaded a ship and blasted off into space. Then the demo really took off as the ship launched and entered into space combat. Lasers and explosions filled the screen just above the planet of Reach. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- info directly copied and pasted from: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/109/1097028p1.html
  19. well then why did Larry Hyrb announce that, "If you pre order halo reach, North Americans will get a special token to unlock Recon...." thats exactly what he said go look it up oh and i fixed my post for all you Canadians that cant take a joke...wussies
  20. geez canadians dont get all butt hurt about it i was just kidding...
  21. Ok so i just want a little confirmation from all the Halo nerds out there...everyone has probably already seen that awesome video of Larry Hyrb (or however the **** you spell his name) from two little questions. 1. Is Recon only for North Americans? (including Canada) 2. Do you have to pre-order online, or do you have to pick it up at the store to get the Recon? please comment on here about this and message me on Xbox LIVE about it my GT is: Alloyy Kthxbai <3 My signature cuz i dont have one yet--------> *****Train Hard, Win Easy.***** oh and check out my awesome Elite Screenshots!
  22. Ok, this thread is not real, so lets comment on something thats worth our time, and not on some stupid kids imagination...
  23. Originally found by me....whenever your there check The Gay Hotline prank thats ******* hilarious
  24. Alloyy

    Xbox handheld

    damn that sucks...well i atleast have the Xbox 720 to look forward to. xD
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