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Soviet Pro

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Everything posted by Soviet Pro

  1. /thread
  2. Fact is, I did make one and it's way better that any on this forum so - really? Is there a point of posting more shitty ones? No. **** this forum, can't even express views on the ******* truth, going back to S7. Peace ******s.
  3. matty got the right idea. Looks like I am not the only one.
  4. Whatever, I wasn't given a warm welcome here either. Get used to it.
  5. Dude, no offence but can't you read? There are tons of AIO in here... And you said you've forgotten 'some'? This list is nothing compared to the likes of Mod Kit, honestly, after Mod Kit, is there any point posting non GUI AIO's? Stop, please. You're your insulting Mod Kit which is the best on here so far. Edit: On top of that, you're posting this in the wrong section Just shows how ignorant can be to Reading beforehand. Oh, by the way - welcome to iBotModz
  6. Nice copy pasta. Good that IW is breaking up slowly, and bad that Bungie won't attempt a Modern Warfare type game...
  7. Well, I still have the code in the box so if anyone wants it, find out if it works and I'll share
  8. I agree, the dicksucking fags at S7 have done so and they are getting tons of traffic. Time to bring Modern Crafare 2 into iBotModz xD
  9. I have Splinter Cell stuff if you need. It's the special edition addons in the game. Although I got a code that inputted in-game I don't know if I can extract that from my HDD.
  10. is not bothered about this Twitter like status thing and will never be updating it!
  11. is not bothered about this Twitter like status thing and will never be updating it!
  12. is not bothered about this Twitter like status thing and will never be updating it!
  13. is not bothered about this Twitter like status thing and will never be updating it!
  14. is not bothered about this Twitter like status thing and will never be updating it!
  15. is not bothered about this Twitter like status thing and will never be updating it!
  16. is not bothered about this Twitter like status thing and will never be updating it!
  17. Thank you, I appreciate the niceness. It was made for noobs, for people that just arrive into the modding scene, gives them somewhere to start. Yeah, whatever he said xD
  18. Thanks, no problems, it's aimed at noobs anyway. Well, THAT I've still to find out
  19. Can't people just say 'Thanks' and not be ****** bags. Someone on here told me there are less pricks on here compared to Se7enSins so I decided to give it a try and see what you guys are like. Guess not so nice.
  20. http://i50.tinypic.com/k0pqgx.gif I am proud to present to you, Mod Kit - a simple yet effective application that has tons of features for any newbie to get started in the modding scene. Features Over 30 useful applications Several tutorials that walk you through tasks Awesome GUI Changable skins Newbie friendly Settings that allow you to change skins, view tutorials with your default player and check for updates on start up. Applications Included Avatar Colour Editor Bio Creator blackra1n redsn0w Borderlands Save Editor Hash Block Calculator CODTool CONcept Game Adder Gears Of War 2 Mod Tool Sn0wbreeze Container Edit Explorer360 EzGT Gamer Pic Injector Hex Workshop Horizon HxD Mirage Modio MPData Editor MxS Tool Profile Editor Sandbox Siggy Ultimatum WinRar X360 Profile Modder XPort360 Metro 2033 Mod Tool Saints Row Mod Tool DOOM Save Editor Tutorials Included How to modify MW2 Gamertag How to extract & edit Halo 3 Maps How to 'Unlock' achievements How to extract your Xbox 360 Profile How to modify MW2 Game Save How to inject gamer pics The application and the tutorials were made by me. The applications included are the property of their respective owners. This application is aimed at newbies, those new to the site and to the whole modding scene, so you veterans don't flame. Hopefully, this also ends the application search after your PC crashes. Please, no mirrors - I would like to keep an exact count of downloads. Requests for tutorials & applications are welcome for next version. Download Installer (Setup / 179.55MB) Mediafire This is the latest, fully working and non-problematic installer. If it doesn't work, try the others by following this link. If everything doesn't work for you and you're having problems with everything then use this. This is a .rar of the Mod Kit, simply download it, unpack and run the shortcut. Thanks to everyone for the constant support and helping me through this.
  21. Yeah, it is a online convert tool and the colour thing is it's fault VB wil recognize it though
  22. For those of you using Visual Basic .NET, here is the converted code: Public Sub authMe() ' ' * Allowed User Groups to post, edit this yourself ' * Remove the ones that you DONT want to use your program ' * For this demo, all the groups are there ' * ' * The ones that are missing are Bots, ' * Guests and some old usergroups that are hidden ' Dim aug As New ArrayList() ' aug.Add(1); //Validating aug.Add(3) 'Members aug.Add(4) 'Owner ' aug.Add(5); //Banned aug.Add(7) 'Sub Admins aug.Add( 'VIP aug.Add(9) 'Global Mods aug.Add(10) 'GFX Team aug.Add(12) 'Retired Staff aug.Add(14) 'Members+ aug.Add(15) 'Donors aug.Add(16) 'Donors+ 'These are the the levels of which you want for posts and REP Dim minPosts As Integer = 0 Dim minRep As Integer = 0 'The client to download the string, which contains all login info Dim client As New WebClient() Dim info As String = client.DownloadString("http://www.ibotmodz.net/index.php/prog/api") client.Dispose() 'Check if website online or not If [string].IsNullOrEmpty(info) Then MessageBox.Show("iBotModz is offline") End If 'Gathering the 4 variables Dim user As [string] = info.Substring((info.IndexOf("[user]") + 6), ((info.IndexOf("[/user]") - (info.IndexOf("[user]") + 6)))) 'Check if guest If [string].IsNullOrEmpty(user) Then MessageBox.Show((("Please become a member on iBotModz.net." & Environment.NewLine) + Environment.NewLine & "If you are a member....Make a post") + Environment.NewLine & "Without using the quick reply ") Environment.[Exit](0) End If Dim posts As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(info.Substring((info.IndexOf("[posts]") + 7), ((info.IndexOf("[/posts]") - (info.IndexOf("[posts]") + 7))))) Dim rep As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(info.Substring((info.IndexOf("[rep]") + 5), ((info.IndexOf("[/rep]") - (info.IndexOf("[rep]") + 5))))) Dim groupID As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(info.Substring((info.IndexOf("[groupid]") + 9), ((info.IndexOf("[/groupid]") - (info.IndexOf("[groupid]") + 9))))) 'Check for posts If minPosts > posts Then MessageBox.Show("You need more posts to use this program.") Me.Close() End If 'Check for REP level If minRep > rep Then MessageBox.Show("You need more REP to use this program.") Me.Close() End If 'Check for memberID If groupID = 0 Then MessageBox.Show("Sorry, you don't have a usergroup.") End If Dim flag As Integer = 0 ' ((0 = failed)) ((1 = passed)) 'This will go through each allowed ID, so lets hope we are in here For Each i As Integer In aug If groupID = i Then 'Yes we found it 'Debug.WriteLine(groupID + " passed because it was equal to " + i); flag = 1 Exit For Else 'so far theres nothing, keep going 'Debug.WriteLine(groupID + " failed because it was equal to " + i); flag = 0 End If Next Select Case flag 'Check the flag Case 1 'Login passed Exit Select Case 0 'Login Failed Me.Close() Exit Select End Select End Sub
  23. Wow, seriously? Most of your real life friends have one? Who would that be? Raouf, Ali and Me? We all have 360's xD Fail thread
  24. Good idea
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