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Everything posted by Twis7eD

  1. No, I'll get that one too
  2. Yep, I'll have all of them too. The star is probably something stupid like earn MVP in a multiplayer game or get a certain amount of credits, play time, etc. Something like that.
  3. Thankes Peaches. Downloading now.
  4. Happy b-day.
  5. Make sure in your games list it says XeXmenu 1.1 and not XeXloader. XeXloader does not support FTP. Go to your launch.ini file and edit it to your liking and then put it back in your flash directory.
  6. You have to do a secret button combo that triggers a video of Master Chief sticking his hand up their asses and grabbing the secret key to unlock the door to save Cortana. It's a pretty epic moment.
  7. That was an amazing find! How did you come upon that torrent? I would've never found it, I've been looking everywhere.
  8. Twis7eD


    I loved it too. It's a real "mind ****" movie. If you liked that movie, then I recommend seeing Memento. It's another movie by Christopher Nolan and it's also amazing. It's about a guy who can only remember things that have happened in the last few minutes. He's searching for the person who killed his wife and he has to leave himself notes and clues so that he can try to solve the murder. It's an amazing movie. I recommend seeing it if you like Inception.
  9. He probably didn't patch the DLLs. Take the DLLs and open them in X360GameHack. Then click patch. Do this for each one and then replace them in your Halo: Reach folder. Not patching the DLLs usually causes E71 to occur. Happened to me awhile back.
  10. Nope, never heard of him.
  11. Just wondering how you modded the default.xex? As in, what method. Did you just look at it in a hex editor or do you have knowledge of PPC? Now we just need the RTH XeX with LIVE removed released. If / when that gets released, I will be very happy.
  12. Well, basically an AIO XeX was released today. So, we shall see what will happen to the Halo 3 community. I'm guessing nothing. MAYBE when we all get unbannable JTAGs and we all get the RTH XeX and CoD is no longer moddable THEN we'll see an increase in Halo 3 MAYBE.
  13. So, can I haz the XeX? Honestly, all this shit getting leaked is just stupid. It's all going to be released eventually once it gets into the wrong hands unless it is being held by the right people who know not to release it. And even when that happens there are still risks of it possibly getting leaked. Things like this are never safe and the reason that pops up time after time for it not being released is that it will ruin Xbox LIVE. Get real people, you're the ones setting it up to ruin Xbox LIVE, you're the ones creating the mods that show people how to research farther and farther to make more mods for Xbox LIVE. Plus they say we will use it to mod in matchmaking, but they're just contradicting themselves because they're testing it in matchmaking when they could be doing it on System Link or Xlink or split screen or anything else. People say that they don't want the modded XeX's released, but no one would've even started this Halo 3 XeX modding if it weren't for Supermodder. And honestly, releasing this isn't going to ruin Halo 3. No one makes money off of lobbies in Halo 3 and they won't ever. MW2 and the CoD modding scene are where everyone is making money and that's where all the kids that want to make money will stay. As much as I want the RTH XeX, it's not so much so that I can use it matchmaking, but just the fact that IT'S ******* RTH!!! RTH is incredibly cool and if I had any knowledge of where to start, then I would probably look into this myself. Edit: And the fact that when things get leaked and posted publicly you 99% of the time won't get the credit for it. So, why even bother having to deal with some fag leaking it? Just make it public already.
  14. ^^I'd also like to know if it isn't too personal. Also, T3A guy's user title seems to be messed up unless that is a custom user title.
  15. Don't shut down the site senor I was sad to see it down when I tried to go here the last few days. It's sad because most of the more popular sites now a days have terrible admins and staff that aren't even active on their own sites, but I always see you online and I always see new things being rolled out for this site. I would be pissed to see it all go to waste.
  16. Thanks for the help Peaches. Everything worked perfectly.
  17. Bored...just bought a second JTAG :/
  18. So, I have a JTAG and haven't really ever started modding Halo 2 before besides some occasional changing of my new maps on my HDD before I had a JTAG to already modded maps. I'm not very knowledgable when it comes to modding Halo 2 and I need some help. I recently installed Halo 2 to my HDD so that I can mod it and run it off of my JTAG. I replaced the compatibility files/folder in my partition 2 to allow me to play original Xbox games off of my HDD. Now, I have the Halo 2 DLC maps on my HDD in the normal spot where H2 downloads them to, but they don't show up when I boot H2 from my HDD. I'm wondering if there is some update that I have to do to make them show up or what I have to do to make them show up. I've also tried just adding the .map files to the maps directory of where I ripped to H2 to the HDD, but they don't show up that way either. Does anyone have any ideas or know if this is possible?
  19. Thanks. I only ask because I know some people are overprotective of things that they find out. I'll link back to this thread for credit too.
  20. Thanks Peaches! Would you mind if I put this information on my site? I want my users to see this, but don't want to take if you disaprove.
  21. That only works if the Gamertag is actually inappropriate. If it is a Gamertag with nothing obscure or with bad language then he will end up getting a day suspension from Xbox Live. The kind of suspension that says "code of conduct" all over his gamercard.
  22. Twis7eD


    Microsoft may still take your Xbox even if you have a flashed drive and have already taken your Xbox apart. As long as your Xbox isn't banned from LIVE, just try to send it in. Sometimes they still fix it without knowing that your drive is flashed and sometimes they even fix it when they clearly see that the Xbox has been opened before. I would just give it a shot if I were you.
  23. Have anything else to offer? I really don't want an account that you most likely stole. If you could actually pay me through paypal then I will sell you an account. I have at least 3 for sale. For more details about my Halo 3 leveling, boosting, and accounts for sale go to http://insomniacgamerz.net/leveling
  24. Twis7eD

    Homepage WIP

    Looks good. Maybe add some more graphics to it and it will be perfect. Good job so far though.
  25. Nice job. Everything looks really good.
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