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Everything posted by Twis7eD

  1. This is a spambot fyi. It's been spamming tons of 360 forums including mine. I don't even know if 360dock is real since I haven't seen it be announced on Xbox-Scene or anywhere else. Probably just a scam / copy of X360key.
  2. I think you're thinking of decima7e. Probably because he has a 7 in his name too.
  3. Yes...I was trying to clarify for Peaches, who, I believe, misinterpreted it. Don't be a jackass.
  4. I think he meant to say back. But anyway, it's patched in MW2 for the general public. Only a couple people can mod online currently.
  5. I think the reasoning that I heard was something like, "the glossy version shows dust, fingerprints, and other things that you don't want more easily then the matte version". I still don't think the change is good and I'm glad I have my glossy 360.
  6. Yeah, screw that. I use a pseudonym on Facebook and Google+ as a joke. If they tell me to change it, then they can have my account. It's not like I actually care that much. I doubt this will be strictly enforced, though.
  7. Twis7eD

    Halo 2 Beta

    As long as I can get the beta to play, I'll check to see if anything is different. Thanks for uploading, Peaches! Edit: Looks like you two probably have the same version. I could load your version, Peaches, but I couldn't actually play it without Chaos' xex that allows you to play custom games. Obviously since I used the same xex it might not actually be the same game, but who knows. I couldn't find any differences, though. And it's funny how there are certain bugs in the beta that still exist in the real game like double shots with the BR. And I love how the Carbine has a BR clip, but obviously with one shots instead of bursts. Pretty cool.
  8. Twis7eD

    Halo 2 Beta

    Yeah, would be great if you could upload Peaches. I understand if you don't want to, though.
  9. Twis7eD

    Halo 2 Beta

    Yeah, works fine by myself. You just can't do split screen with two people. Every time you get two people in the lobby, only one profile will show up. It works, there's just a few bugs (obviously, since it's a beta).
  10. Twis7eD

    Halo 2 Beta

    Thanks for sharing. I tried it out and it's unfortunately not the version that has the Mongoose or the flamethrower. None the less, it's still fun to mess around with. There seems to be some issues playing with two people, though. I could never play split screen, I had to play by myself.
  11. Twis7eD

    Halo 2 Beta

    Wow, impressive that someone finally decided to put this out for the general public. Great contribution. Which version of the beta is this?
  12. Since you guys are already on the topic of RTH, I thought I'd jump in. I found this tutorial awhile back and put it on my site. I never actually found out if it worked. When I tried to install the dash, there were no options to pick from the list. This led me to believe that it either doesn't work or that it's missing a component needed to work.
  13. Some people have already found a way around the most recent title update, such as nickcas. I'm sure others will follow soon.
  14. ^This. The general population of people that could do them before no longer can. Only a select few can and they charge ridiculous prices because they can.
  15. I don't play yet, but a lot of people are wanting me to set up a server for them. So, I might be doing that sometime soon.
  16. Twis7eD

    Site Move

    It wasn't completely unbelievable. I thought it might be real for a second. I was about to hop over to XboxMB and see if they made an announcement about it.
  17. This rebooter is so pointless. The developer of it made it without LIVE enabled, but the only point of upgrading from the 12611 kernel to this kernel would be the ability to go on LIVE. Basically the developer is saying "I blocked LIVE for you guys, but let's see how long it takes someone else to re-enable it". It's just making it a lot easier for idiots to get back on LIVE.
  18. The fact that they developed the Blastacular map pack brings down my respect level for them. Hang 'Em High should have never been remade for Halo 2 despite the pleas that everyone always made. Desolation is alright, but was put into matchmaking terribly and never fixed because Bungie "lost the keys to matchmaking" as Shishka put it. Desolation with SMG starts was always terrible because there were only 2 BR's on the map. When it was BR start it was an alright map.
  19. ^^This. It was announced in their last update that they would be sending out emails. I think they said everyone who got one was a beta tester and that if you didn't get one, there would be more emails sent out in the future. So, it's not too late to do it now. Something along those lines.
  20. That wasn't my point... I meant that I never happen to stumble upon stories that are this interesting. And I'm guessing most of those stories don't come from one site...
  21. Just gotta say that you make the most amazing posts. I don't know where you find half of this stuff. This is pretty amazing. The only thing I would have liked to see in the video is the before and after shot and not just the after shot. The narrator said "this is what the skin probably looked like before treatment". Why wouldn't they have just gotten a picture beforehand if they knew they were going to do this? It would have been a better idea so that we could see the changes that he actually went through.
  22. Glad you decided to work on this and release it. I saw the images you posted a few days ago and wanted to see the final release. Edit: On your site it says uTorrent Cache Clearer for the header of the page. Might want to change that. Just a heads up.
  23. Oh so that's what this is about lol. IE9 definitely has problems based on the fact that every post I have seen you make on here, 7s, 360iso, and probably a couple other sites have been double posts, Xerax. lol Welcome back OP. I have no idea who you are and you probably have no idea who I am.
  24. I'm honestly really surprised that these haven't been leaked to the general public yet. There's so many douches out there that like to leak stuff like this, but for once people aren't doing it. And the amazing thing is that there are so many people that could easily leak it.
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