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Everything posted by Valid

  1. This isnt truly like in campaign, if i remember corectly you dont really have no weapons, it just looks like it to other players. If you really want to be like in the campaig and have no weapons whatsoever on either screen, and have that little dot aimer you have to have 3 people and two weapons on the ground. you do the glitch you were talking about so you have the person with both weapons at the same time missing, and then the other players delete the weapon, and you truly have no weapons and that little dot aimer. Link: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=32562337
  2. Undead moniter in forge. I found that if done a certain way you can turn into the moniter and die at the same time, but stay alive as the moniter. when you turn into a moniter correctly you remain a moniter, but it still shows a death animation for you and drops your weapons, and if you turn back into a spartan you tele randomly and lose your weapons like when someone deletes a vehicle you are in in forge. I will put a video tutorial up shortly in my fileshare, although with it, it will still be hard to do becuase you have to be in the exaxt spot, so if anyone wants me to show them this in a game my gamertag is: Validacesniper also make sure to watch it in pancam, or at different angles so you can see whats going on better, and i screwed up the glitch a couple times in the video so thats not the glitch just keep watching. Short video that shows the glitch and where to put the turrent: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=32521617
  3. I would love to join this gamertag: Validacesniper i have lots of glitches i could share!
  4. yes mine always falls over too and when i forge it to fix it it disapears after like 30 seconds most of the time, so its really has no use for me.
  5. I found it listed here http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=30663698 I dont know how much longer it will be there its not me hosting it.
  6. an easier way to do this is to create and place a sender. Then forge a reciever and make it a different node number. keep holding on to it in forge and have someone else stand derectly under the sender. Then switch the reciever to the same node number as the sender and the person will be teled thier and if they dont move, jump, or reload the will levitate. Another cool this about this is that the person also will survive death barriers if they dont move so you can make teles any place you want and use this to see different areas.
  7. Valid

    Which One?

    I votes snowbound cuase it seems to have the most stuff, but i dont really care anyof them would be awsome!
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