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Everything posted by Valid
the frigate map is awsome!
935!!!! (Beware my army of ninjas )
931!! (why you go back to 200's)
So..... is this group ever gonna git started or what? Now that were members of the group what do we do?
oh cool! cant wait till its released!
well somehow you can now there was a video. i know y you are not supposed to be able to, so how did they do it?
lol, me to, I go out by just puching a tele up over the cliff slightly near the mancannons on the side, this lets you be ontop of the map, and thats how you can easily get to places like on top on the bases and things. I got to the cave by going to a place outside the map off of th cliff and it was to the side oof there. Ps. i have a glitched out map for almost everyother map to, i could put those up if anyone wanted them.
looks cool so far. love the fire. Can you actually get ammo from those rocket cases? edit: can you get hurt from the fire if you walk on it?
but he does have a resigner now.
That video is awsome!!
ok this is really strange but keeps happening to me, 3 times i tested again and it happended instantly!!! I have an image on my fileshare, i click the thubnail and it shows the larger image. Then i go to properties with that image COPY, and PASTE into [ /img] (put space so it would show up) then when i look at my topic it has a big picture saying SCREENSHOT NOT FOUND So i figure i put in the wrong adress, click again on the thubnail on my fileshare and... SCREENSHOT NOT FOUND ON BUNGIE!!!!!!!!!!! posting it killed my screenshot, i deleted that part of the post and its still dead Did I do something wrong????!!!!???? Heres my fileshare 1st image shows dead to me even though i checked and it was there before i posted it in a topic. http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileS ... dAcesniper Is it dead for everyon else to is it just my problem?
you can walk around in the cave, but if you go to far in an area where it can be kinda hrd to jump to in person mode, where the floor is invisible and there is a mirror you die. I have tried to get out of ghosttown, but that one and blackout are triky, deathbarriers in all the cool places. The only interesting place i have gotten in ghost town so far (other then like some of those rooms that are eaasy to get to) is outside the map Here: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=30476426 and ontop of the map, but if you try to turn into a person ontop of one of the buildings you die.
yes everyone who actually has played with or knows him syas he is actually a nice guy. And the reasons he has for not releasing the maps are most likely genuine. I have more respect for anthony then most the other modders.
Ok this section does say campaign(even though its mostly glitches) so i propose a campaign challenge. in the level crows nest you start with no weapons. The challenge is how far can you get in the campaign with out picking up a weapon. Having one person with a weapon and another person without is ok, but atleast one person in two people co-op has to have no weapons. How far can you get? I got to all the way to floodgate: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=33764095
Out of avalanche in multiple places. Some new ones too i think. The map is here: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=33764194 It has teles out of the map ontop of avalanche, ontop of the bases, out side on that structure that runs in the middle, outside some random places and in a cave outside the map with a mirror. It doesnt have behind that blue glass though cuase thats an easy one to do nd i ran out of teleporters. On the map the teleporters grouped next to the weapons holder require you to go through in moniter, but some of them you can then turn back into a person.
not really once you figure out how to do it hitting him with the rocket luancher isn't that hard, getting on the ramp could be triky though. Oh and in easier way thats not in the video cuase its not my video is to get onto that ramp from the very bottom by having one person jump at it and the other person hit the ground with a gravity hammer that you can get from a flood to boost them up there. http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=33384756
OK this is a variation of the save johnson glitch which can be found here But you can also get into the area behind the locked door where johnson spawn, and he wil stay here with you. You do what happens in the very begining of the video except you must bring a rocket luancher up with you on that ramp leading to the top, and when you get here http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=33384795 STOP! when you pass that little indent johnson will come out of where he spawns and the door will shut until the end of the level. 1. shoot at the bootom of the door he comes out of 2. a split second later jump over that indent 3. This should cuase johnson to die at the door way and stop moving when he wakes up 4. go there like shown in the video and you can access the area early and with johnson! shoot johnson when he is here (OUCH!) http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=33384807 OTHER COOL THINGS THAT HAPPEN: 1. when going forward with the level johnson wont say his ussual dialuage 2. when respawning in the room you will most likely fly at the door with such velocity that you can die and if its open can be flung away of the cliff http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=33384864 (dieng from flying into wall) SCREEN SHOT http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=33384843
Err.. I dont think you can i tried and the map kinda ends and you die there isnt a barrier. any other ideas? Also some other really hilarius things just for fun you can also ride on top of the banshee into the air, but you still die. And if you kill the phantom with the fuel rod gun and then zap the banshee to untrap it the the arbiter flies off really wierdly like hes drunk and about halfway out he jumps from the banshee and kills hemself!!! ARBITER KILLIN HIMSELF: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=32998588 http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=32998626 ME RIDIN BANSHEE http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=32998652 HERE I KILLED THE PHANTOM WHILE RIDIN THE BANSHEE WITCHED TRIGGERED THE ARBITER SUIICEIDE JUMP AND I FELL TO MY DEATH! http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=32998665
I figured out how to get into the phantom on the ark right after activating the cartographer. In single player this is the point that the arbiter flies off with a banshee he hijackes. Its kind of a complex procces so ill go through it step by step. Key items are cpitalized, and the links will take you to pictures that help explain it. 1. Go throught the level The Ark until reaching the scarab 2. GRAB a GRAV LIFT and FUEL ROD GUN, dont waste the ammo on the scarab 3. kill scarab and keep going until the part where you activate the cartagropher 4. BEROFE activating it make sure you have TWO dual wielded PLASMA PISTOLS and the FUEL ROD GUN with ammo now comes the hard part once you activate it you will be transported to the other side of the place and the arbiter will highjack the bansee and fly away. YOU MUST hit the banshee as the arbiter is hijaking it with an overcharged plasma pistol blast, this will make it fall. If you shoot to soon the ship will fall and not get up, and the arbiter will slowly turn invisible and disapear, you cant fly the banshee the only thing you can do to it is blow it up or flip it. IF you kill the arbiter and then activate the cartographer two arbiters will be spawned. shooting to soon: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=32765696 5. you must zap it with plasma pistol and then shoot it with the fuel rod gun and keep repeating so it doesn't fly away http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=32765779 6. YOU MUST SHOOT IT SO IT TRIES TO FLY THROUGH THE OPEN COLUMN NEAR THE DOOR AND GETS STUCK, THIS WILL ALSO CUASE THE PHANTOM TO FREEZE. THIS WILL PROBOBLY TAKE LOTS OF TRIES SO JUST KEEP TRING. succesfuling getting it stuck and freezing phantom: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=32765810 7. THEN BEFORE DOING ANYTHING ELSE MAKE SURE IT IS NOT GOING ANYWARE AND KEEP GOING THROUGH THE LEVEL UNTIL YOU GET A CHECKPOINT. 8. Then go back up and on the way grab a BATTLE RIFLE or another medium range bullet gun like a spiker or assualt rifle to shoot down the grunts in the turrents. ALSO GRAB A PLASMA PISTOL if you don't still have one. 9. Use the GRAV LIFT to get onto the phantom turrent and get into it. it wont move. http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=32765874 10. Then SHOOT THE BANSHEE with your PLASMA PISTOL, and quikly get on the phantom turrent as it will now fly away. 11. You will fly a while until you get to far out of the map and die/ me in the phantom flyin away: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=32765846 http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=32765900 IF ANYONE CAN FIND A WAY TO GET FARTHER OUT PLEASE TELL ME. REMEMBER THIS IS DONE IN SINGLE PLAYER ON THE ARK. THE FULL 42 MINUTE VIDEO OF THIS IS HERE: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=32765992 It would be awsome if someone cut edit that to make it shorter. Found by ValidAcesniper
can you make combined vehicle mods like that video with the worthog with a scorpian tank turrent, more of those would be awsome.
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